Check out this jool of a comment:
"I'm a fan of your marketing tips
but this one is just cynical and
disgusting. I am unsubscribing."
Too bad it wasn't addressed to me.
It was actually sent to my droog Mike Dolpies.
He's been using email the Settle way, and has been riling up the
nest of mush cookies on his list who are easily offended by every
politically incorrect jot and tittle he writes. And after that
comment, he said he was now coining a new term:
"The Settle Effect"
And a hair raising ditty it is, too.
Not so much for me anymore.
(I'm immune to haters)
But for guys like Mike and others putting my methods to work?
Watch your gluteus assimus, babycakes.
You'll hear from all the whiners.
All the complainers.
And, yes, all the freebie seekers nattering on about, "I didn't
join your list to hear about your opinions about blah blah blah or
care about what you're selling, I just wanted free stuff!"
Oh how I miss those days.
Back when I'd get multi-page essays about how evil I am.
About how I have no idea what I speaketh of.
And, in some cases, how they're gonna track me down and kick my
(I still get those from time to time...)
Gotta love it.
At first it's a bit nutzo.
If you do it right you will likely get lots of extra sales... but
also lots of extra nonsense from the dingbat gallery.
Just ignore them.
They got issues.
And realize after a while, they're just angry.
(Taking out their problems on you)
Anyway, the point?
When you use my system, eventually your list will become immune to
your antics and won't complain as much, which kinda takes the fun
out of it.
And it's like I told Mike:
Enjoy it while it lasts.
It's one of the few real (legal) thrills left.
You can learn my system in the "Email Players" newsletter.
Details at:
Ben Settle
Ben Settle
Email Specialist
Settle, LLC
Copyrighted & published by Settle, LLC.
All rights reserved.
Settle, LLC | P.O. Box 437 | Gold Beach, OR 97444
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Wednesday, 5 December 2012
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