Thursday 27 September 2012

I get my fair share of hate mail.

Mostly because I all but ASK for it sometimes.

But my favorites are the ones where people spout off about something without even carefully reading the email I wrote that got them all riled up in the first place -- just skim, get mad, reply.

It's funny.

Case in point:

Few months back I wrote an email about testing emails.

And, how you can't really do it *scientifically*.

(Since a real scientific test is done multiple times, in a controlled environment, where there are NO changing variables.)

Well, one blue flame special replied half cocked:

Your subject caught my attention

and this email sat in my inbox till just now.

Having read it I can say your way off base.

It's very easy to test emails. You could just

send out two different emails to the same

list at the same time and randomly split.

Your scientist and this email must be

overlooking that simple solution.

Constantly repeating crap is only going

to constantly give crap results.

I was surprised to see someone selling

himself as a email guru would write

such an email.


First, I don't call myself an "email guru."

And secondly, what he described is not even close to being a scientific test.

It's not a totally useless test.

But, it is totally unreliable.

And, could even hurt future sales.


Well, for instance, many times (including very recently), I've reused a "winning" email, only to watch it bomb the next time. At the same time, I've reused emails that bombed the first time, and gotten awesome results the second time. If I'd said, "oh that first one was garbage, so I better not re-use it..." I'd be out quite a bit of sales, since this has happened a LOT.

That's email for you.

It's not like a static sales or opt-in page or whatever.

And so, if I was a slave to test results I'd lose out on so many extra sales.

Not very "sciency" is it?


That's because email is mostly fluid.

Constantly changing.

Random and even instinctual.

Just like, you know, *people* are.

(What a shock?)

So keep writing regular emails to your list.

Get them out there.



And, written in ways people LIKE reading and buying from.

(i.e. the kinds of email I teach in "Email Players").

More info at:

Ben Settle

P.S. Almost forgot!

When I told the dude above his was the most idiotic comment I'd received all month (since he obviously didn't even read the email he was complaining about, just spouted off the usual goo-roo drivel), he went bat shit crazy -- complete with a flurry of personal insults and even threats (while telling me he is a "real" businessman, etc -- ha you can't pay for this kind of entertainment).

What can I say?

I love my haters.

They... *complete* me.

Ben Settle

Email Specialist

Settle, LLC

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