Friday 24 August 2012

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Hit & Run

Critics Consensus: Hit & Run Is Hit And Miss

This week at the movies, we've got a risky road trip (Hit & Run, starring Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard), a dangerous delivery (Premium Rush, starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Michael Shannon), and a haunted house (The Apparition, starring Ashley Greene and Sebastian Stan). What do the critics have to say?

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Bicycle Movies

Total Recall: Bicycle Movies

With Premium Rush hitting theaters this week, we run down some noteworthy films featuring pedal-powered protagonists.

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Supernatural Horror

24 Frames: Supernatural Horror

A ghastly gallery inspired by this week's The Apparition.

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David Cronenberg

David Cronenberg: The RT Interview

The director on how he came to convince Robert Pattinson to star in Cosmopolis, a surreal adaptation of Don DeLillo's infamous satire on modern capitalism.

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Certified Fresh

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The Hunger Games
The Hunger Games


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Baby, it's cold outside.

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2012 (2009)
I hate this film. Hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate it... More...

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