Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Recently I watched one of my favorite movies:

"The Count Of Monte Cristo"

It's about a guy (Edmond Dantes) who has it all -- a hot fiance, a great job, and loving friends. Then, one day, he gets betrayed by a jealous friend and a government goon who throws him into prison for 16 years until he escapes to get his revenge.

Anyway, it's a great flick.

And my favorite part is probably the birthday scene.

There's no adventure, fighting or "swash & buckle" in it.

It's just a toast, where Edmond tells the boy:

"Life is a storm, my young friend.

You will bask in the sunlight one moment,

be shattered on the rocks the next.

What makes you a man

is what you do when that storm comes.

You must look into that storm

and shout as you did in Rome.

Do your worst, for I will do mine!"

I REALLY dig that quote.

It's not only inspiring... but it's just so dang TRUE.

Especially in business.

For example...

One day you're sitting high and pretty, with plenty of cash to pay your bills, bang out some debt and tuck away a little dough into savings... only to get slapped with a fat unexpected tax bill that puts you back in the "hole."

Or maybe a big money JV you counted on falls through.

Or your computer is hacked and your identity stolen.

Or your merchant account is suddenly shut down.

Or... or... any one of a MILLION terrible things that can happen at any time, to anyone, for no reason.

Yes, freak "storms" like this DO happen.

And like it or lump it we ALL get nailed eventually.

Lightning WILL strike.

It's just a matter of time, my friend.

Question is, how will you deal with it?

Will you curl up into a fetal position and cry for your mama... or stare into its eyes and tell it to "do its worst"?

The choice is yours.

And you know what?

It'll be one of your life's defining moments.

Speaking of "storms"...

There's probably no faster, cheaper and more efficient way to generate cash flow when your back's to the wall and the wolves are at the door than boring, "plain vanilla" ol' email.

No, email's not "sexy."

But it's got TEETH.

And it can generate cash flow very quickly when done right.

And if you'd like to learn my methodology for doing emails then check out the "Email Players" newsletter.

Next issue goes to the printer in a few days.

It's a great starting issue for newbies.

(And seasoned pros, too.)

Here's where to subscribe:

Ben Settle

Ben Settle

Email Specialist

Settle, LLC

Copyrighted & published by Settle, LLC.

All rights reserved.

Settle, LLC | P.O. Box 437 | Gold Beach, OR 97444

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