Friday, 15 March 2013

"Losers always whine about trying their best,

winners go home and f#@! the prom queen"

- John Mason

"The Rock"

I REALLY dig that quote.

In fact, I think social media sites like FaceBook would actually be

far more useful (and fun) if there was a bit more of the "John

Mason" school of inspiration going on, instead of the usual

politically correct drivel on there, or pics of Willy Wonka

subtitling lame philosophical nonsense.

Anyway, let's talk more about that quote above.

There's a lifetime of wisdom in it.

(From a Michael Bay movie!)

Hey, he's right:

"Trying" IS for losers.

If you want to really get ahead in whatever it is you do, then you

have to hike up the skirt, strap on the ballz (metaphorically

speaking...) and get the job done.

Don't TRY to get it done.

Just DO it!

Got a project you need to finish?

Then pry yourself off FaceBook and do it.

Don't "try" to do it.

Just do it!

Want to increase your income before the end of the month?

Then shut off Angry Birds and get to work.

Don't "try" to do it.

Just do it!

Are you wanting to get started on your business because you're

worried about the economy? (You should be!)

Then don't "try" to do it.

Just do it!

"Trying" doesn't cut it, babycakes.

Like that wrinkled up greenie Yoda says:

Do or do not, there is no try.

(Although I like John Mason's "prom queen" quote better...)


Enough BEEF soup for the soul.

If you want to increase your sales by using the mysterious arts of

email marketing, then quit "trying" to do it, and just DO it.

You can start with "Email Players".

I got your back.

Here's where to subscribe:

Ben Settle

Ben Settle

Email Specialist

Settle, LLC

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All rights reserved.

Settle, LLC | P.O. Box 437 | Gold Beach, OR 97444

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