Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Methinks it's time for some Q&A.

I usually only answer questions for "Email Players" -- -- subscribers (asking questions about email whenever you want is one of the bonuses you get for subscribing).

But today I'll reach into the mail bag and take a whack at one.


OK, here's the question:

QUESTION: I have a question about email complaints. How do you deal with them? Every now and then when I send an email out I get one or two complaints (according to aWeber) but I have no clue how to deal with them. What should I be taking away from this number?

BEN: Sounds to me like you're either:

(1) building a list of SIMPS in your market

(2) you're bringing them in the wrong way

Impossible to tell on what little info I have.

But, that's my gut feeling.

Case in point:

I email every weekday.

Once in a while, even on the weekends. I pitch my product every day, too. (Sometimes obnoxiously.) Yet, I get very few spam complaints.

And, I suspect even those are just SIMPS doing it out of spite.

Hey, let's face it:

Anyone who DOUBLE opts in to a list where it's made clear they'll be getting daily emails multiple times at the opt in stage, and then pushes the spam button is coming from SIMPville -- probably blindly signing up for everything and then pushing the spam button instead of delete.

So tell them up front how often you'll mail them.

And also make sure you communicate in a way they like.

That's where the trick is.

And, what few understand.

For more info on how to do it:

(I can already hear the SIMPS gasping...)


Ben Settle

Ben Settle

Email Specialist

Settle, LLC

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All rights reserved.

Settle, LLC | P.O. Box 437 | Gold Beach, OR 97444

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