I ever tell you about my "crash course" in copywriting?
Basically, it went down like this:
For better or worse, other than little odd copywriting jobs here and there (that paid little or no money) I got my real education by taking on copywriting assignments where I got paid ONLY on commission.
No freelancing fees.
Nothing up front.
Either my ads made money... or I was out a bunch of time, energy and resources on my end.
Kind of stressful, to say the least.
Especially since, I only had a few copywriting resources.
Plus, time for studying the craft was limited. I was working a job at the time, was helping in a small office cleaning business, and my only time to study was in the car while driving to and from work and on my lunch breaks.
What did I listen to?
Was it the "usual suspect" crop of goo-roos?
I didn't have time for nonsense.
So I had to pick my "teacher" wisely.
Thus, I popped in a CD I had made of the legendary copywriter Eugene Schwartz giving a seminar to Phillips Publishing.
This seminar is sort of a "legend" in itself.
I have seen A-list copywriters (who were in attendance) rave about this seminar, about how it helped them compete against the highest paid copywriters in the world.
And I can see how, too.
This seminar gets deep not just into the "technique" of copywriting... but also the psychology of the craft.
Such as how to "think" like your customers.
How to structure your ads so people BELIEVE you.
And how one of history's greatest copywriters would sit down for just a few hours a day and hammer out one giant winner after another after another... without struggling with writers block, doubt or insecurity (even though he was competing against the best writers on the planet, with enormous amounts of money at stake).
Anyway, this seminar literally saved my business.
Frankly, I don't think I'd have made it without this seminar.
There wasn't all that much advanced copywriting training around back then (that I could afford, at least). And because of this seminar, I was able to survive writing ads on pure commission.
I was also able to pay off a LOT of debt, too.
(Including paying off my car -- a huge deal at the time.)
Well, guess what?
That seminar is not easy to get anymore.
In fact, it sold recently for as much as $297.00.
But, you can get it for the next few days for a measly $20, and nothing else here:
Yes, this IS an affiliate link.
And if you order from it today, you get "The Sales Letter Jam Session" I did with Doberman Dan Gallapoo (about the "process" we go through when writing ads - very advanced stuff). Michael Senoff will send you a secret link to grab it, along with your seminar after you buy.
Anyway, here's the bottom line:
This seminar is one of my top 10 copywriting resources.
And this $20 offer is so generous it borders on ridiculous.
But time is short and you have to hurry.
This deal ends Monday (Labor Day) at midnight:
Ben Settle
P.S. Hang on... got some More goodies for you:
In ADDITION to the Copywriting Jam Session bonus, If you grab your $20 Schwartz seminar today, Michael will also throw in his famous 527 classic ad swipe file (all neatly typed up in Word format) -- which includes ads from Gary Halbert, Joe Karbo, Ben Suarez, Claude Hopkins, Eugene Schwartz, David Ogilvy, Maxwell Sackhiem and hundreds more.
Here's where to get your copywriting learn on:
Ben Settle
Email Specialist
Settle, LLC
Copyrighted & published by Settle, LLC.
All rights reserved.
Settle, LLC | P.O. Box 437 | Gold Beach, OR 97444
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Thursday, 30 August 2012
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