Tuesday 28 August 2012

OK, here's the thing:

Some people get frustrated with me (hard to believe, right?) because I'll mention something I notice goo-roos doing. Or elude to something a specific goo-roo teaches. Or even come right out and describe a goo-roo and what they're doing... but, without naming them.

And this bothers some people.

Their constant jonesing for gossip is STRONG.

Well, here's the reason:

Besides the potential legal ramifications... it can make you look either butt hurt and jealous or, even worse, (if you don't have rock solid evidence) like a rat.

A big, fat rat.

And amigo, nobody ever really trusts a rat.

(Except other rat-like people, of course.)

Guys who go around naming names and make accusations without any hard, indisputable evidence are basically rats. And, even if they are not a rat, are right in their assessment of whoever they are calling out, and have the evidence, it can still come back and bite you some day.

Why do you think good cops don't rat out dirty cops?

Or why drug dealers won't talk to the DEA?

(Even if they have a chance to screw over a competitor -- yes, I've been watching too much "Breaking Bad", but whatever...)

For every action, there's a reaction.

And you may not like the consequences.

Now, if you MUST do it, at least be smart.

Do your homework.

Triple check your facts.

And then triple check them again.

But, even then, don't expect to sleep well.

One of my good friends is VERY good at calling out bad guys by name -- one of the few who does it in a classy, non-rat-like way. But he's the first to admit it's hair-raising and he's not sure it's worth it.

Plus, there's the time factor.

Who has time for all that research?

To obsess over someone else?

Why not put that energy into your own business?

Hey, do whatever ye like.

But this is why I only talk about "types." I give my *opinion* about behaviors and tactics and you either heed or SPURN my advice.

Very clean.

Very simple.

Anyway, that's my take.

And, let's face it, I'm right (ha).

Next "Email Players" issue goes to the printer in a few days.

Be here or be nowhere:


Ben Settle

Ben Settle

Email Specialist

Settle, LLC


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