Thursday, 13 September 2012

An affiliate marketer DARES question my wizdom:

"Ben I found your site searching for

affiliate marketing and email

and read your post about

the case against affiliate marketing

and why you say it's bad.

Check out [lame URL removed]

and educate yourself."


Especially since I never said affiliate marketing was "bad."

In fact, I said it's a "good, better, best" thing (with affiliate marketing GOOD, and selling your own products best).


Never a dull moment 'round here...

Anyway, I shot off several reasons why, including:

* List building (building their list instead of yours)

* Less money

* Cookies not always tracking right (especially via smart phones)

* No guarantee of getting paid

* (Possible) sales tax nexus

So yeah, it's better than nothing.

But in my humble (but accurate) opinion, not as good as selling your own products on the front end. I'm actually all for selling products as an affiliate on the back end or (in addition to your own products) when something make sense.

That said...

There is ONE exception to this.

And that is, if you sell a continuity product as an affiliate on the front end, and it's just one of many income streams you're building up, and not something you really are wanting to focus on full time.

For example:

I'm prepping to invade a new market as we speaketh.

Not going to say which.

But, invade it I will.

And, I'm going to ONLY do it with:

1. A squeeze page

2. Email

(Sales pitch is handled by the publisher, nice...)

My plan goes like this:

Create a split test (at least 4-5 pages) for the opt-in page.

And then email the hellz out of that list.

Every day.

Se7en days per week.

For at least 100 days.

(Probably writing 5 per day, so it only takes a month).

Then, load them all into an auto-responder (assuming they are converting, of course) and set-it-and-forget-it, while paying someone competent to drive traffic to it.

Then, move onto another market and do the same.

And then KEEP doing this.

Over and over and over.

Until, one day, I have a dozen or so of these going.

All on auto-pilot.

All with paid traffic (with others managing it).

And all selling continuity products as an affiliate.

That way, I can focus on writing ads, etc for my own products, and not have to think about it with these other products. Nor do I have to worry about merchant account problems (it's wise to NOT have all your income flow from one merchant account, one client, or one anything).

This is, btw, a great way to get started fast, too.

And email lets you do this.

It's not easy for most people to sell continuity on the front end.

But if you know email, you can.

And, you can do it without having "rockstar" positioning.

Without working like a mule.

And, without having to spend a lot of time.

You can invade a market and know exactly how to write emails that make sales, so you can either stay in it perpetually or "set it and forget it" with an auto-responder series.

That's what "Email Players" is all about.

It comes with a book outlining my system.

And each month you get ongoing instruction on how to take those skillz and multiply your "powers" (ha) so it's like compound interest:

Your chops get more and more refined.

You make more and more sales.

And, your business becomes more and more secure.

Try doing that jerking around on social media all day.

Here's where to subscribe:

Ben Settle

Ben Settle

Email Specialist

Settle, LLC

Copyrighted & published by Settle, LLC.

All rights reserved.

Settle, LLC | P.O. Box 437 | Gold Beach, OR 97444

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