Monday, 1 October 2012


So recently I put a bunch of books on Kindle about everything under the sun related to marketing. One of which is what used to be the old "Email Players Cookbook" (when it first launched). It's not nearly as comprehensive as the one I quickly switched it with shortly after launching the newsletter. And I stripped out all the appendixes, too. But the "meat" of the book is there, and it contains information that has been extremely valuable not only to myself, but many people who read it.

And guess what?

For the next 5 days it's *free* to download.

At least, if you're in a country that Kindle sells to.

(No, there is no pdf, only Kindle format.)

Why am I giving it away free?

Lots of reasons, amigo.

The biggest of which is...


You see, there is one lone dork review (from a guy too lazy to actually read the book he reviewed) I'd like to BURY with some real reviews.

So, here's the deal:

1.) You can download it from Kindle free for the next 5 days

2.) I will give the authors of the 3 most interesting reviews a free issue of "Email Players" (the October issue -- a "for real" $97.00 value).

Already an Email Players subscriber?

I'll refund your October issue price if your review is picked.


You don't need a Kindle to read it.

There are smart phone apps so you can read it on your phone, and there is free software that lets you read Kindle books on your computer.

So it's aaaaall good.

Anyway, here's where to grab your free book:

If you live in the US:

If you live in the UK:

Remember, you have 5 days to download it free.

The clock is ticking...

Ben Settle

Ben Settle

Email Specialist

Settle, LLC

Copyrighted & published by Settle, LLC.

All rights reserved.

Settle, LLC | P.O. Box 437 | Gold Beach, OR 97444

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