Tuesday, 2 October 2012

So recently my dad visited town.

And being from the Tucson desert, he spent mucho time in the tourist shops on the coast. One thing he bought (and that I now must have) is a pair of boxer shorts with a picture of a treasure chest and pirate "jolly roger" skull & cross bones on the rear end with the words:

"Grab the booty"


I'm getting me a pair of those!

Turns out I'm not the only one, either.

That phrase "grab the booty" is popular 'round here.

Not just on boxer shorts, either.

But also plaques, shot glasses, mugs, and other collectible items in these seaside tourist shops.

I guess the idea just took off.

And smart retailers are milking it.

Anyway, so how does this help your email sales?

Are you kidding?

The lesson is staring you in the face like a pirate's greasy glass eyeball:

Sometimes when you're NOT expecting it (and when you are just hammering out an email just to get it out there) you will stumble onto an idea that sells lots of your product.

And when that happens... milk it!

And KEEP milking it!

Milk it until you've gotten all the "booty" you can from it.

But, it all starts with getting those emails out.

Trying new ideas.

And, keeping after it persistently.

Get started with the free book I'm giving away on Kindle (until Friday only) at the links below.

If you live in the US:


If you live in the UK:


And remember:

Don't forget to leave a review for it.

The authors of the 3 most interesting reviews get a free "Email Players" issue.

Until next time...

Ben Settle

Ben Settle

Email Specialist

Settle, LLC


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