Monday, 29 October 2012

A subscriber wants to know about hate mail...

"Ben, I really enjoy your emails

answering people who rag on you.

Sometimes I get hate mail too and

want to know if you can address

how to handle it. Thanks!"

First off, hate mail is GOOD.

It's almost like a yard stick for success. If you never get it, you're probably not doing your job. After all, if you try to please everyone you're probably not pleasing anyone. In that case, what's the point? So, don't FEAR hate mail. Embrace it. And, learn to love it.

Now, there's lots you can do with a hot, steamy piece of hate mail.

You can...


Not good, no matter how idiotic the email is.

(You'll see why in a moment)...


Usually a bad idea.


Because it's like wrestling with a pig:

You both get dirty and the pig loves it.

If you're a busy person, you got better things to do than wrestle with pigs.

(Yes I've made this mistake before.)


You know, to make $ales with. It almost never fails -- when I publicly talk about a piece of hate mail I (usually, not always) get more sales that day (and this spans multiple niches/markets). Now you know why I loooooove my haters so much...

Anyway, bottom line?

Give your hate mail some lovin'.

Don't just delete it on sight.

(Unless some dork sends you multiple rambling emails -- they got "issues").

Instead WRITE about it.

And turn it into cash in the bank.

For more ways to turn emails into cash, go to:

Ben Settle

Ben Settle

Email Specialist

Settle, LLC

Copyrighted & published by Settle, LLC.

All rights reserved.

Settle, LLC | P.O. Box 437 | Gold Beach, OR 97444

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