Friday, 12 October 2012

One of my droogs Caleb Osborne asked:

"Ben how did you find a photographer

who would take your ugly mug and

make it look so cool and stuff?

I need some pro photos taken

for all my various websites/identities ..."

Very good question.

And, something not enough people think about.

Here's what happened:

Back in 2011 I was doing lots of media interviews about email marketing, and some of the producers were looking for high resolution photos for the station website. Well, since all my photos were low resolution shots of me farting around and not really suitable for such a thing, I figured it was time to find a photographer.

So I looked around to see what's what.

Luckily, there was one whose worked I liked.

A lot of his photos were a bit... "edgier"... than most.

Light on the syrupy sweet & cheese.

And heavy on the laid back & cocky.

(Which was *exactly* what I wanted.)

It only cost like $100, and took only 15-20 minutes.

Now I have several high resolution photos for book covers, websites, media pages (producers like having a high resolution image), etc. Probably I'll get some new ones next Spring to stay up to date. And also because, even though I don't wear a suit in the current ones... even though I didn't even bother shaving that day... and even though I didn't smile in them... next time they will be even MORE what I call:


Not unprofessional.

But **anti-professional**.

Think of anti-heroes in stories.

Like the Incredible Hulk.

Or Walter White of "Breaking Bad" (before season 5, at least).

Or Dexter Morgan (from "Dexter").

These are fan favorites for a reason.

And, that's why I believe this kind of personality (in your emails, ads and, yes, photos) helps sales over time for many entrepreneurs (at least for males). The trick is finding a photographer who knowseth what he's doing and not some hack off Craigslist or whatever.

What I suggest is asking for unpolished, but not sloppy.

Kinda like how good EMAILS are.

Because let's face it:

Even your "Rico suave" photo won't matter if you don't know how to sell.

That's where "Email Players" steps in.

It'll take your ugly mug emails and make them cool.

Make them fun.

And, yes, make them profitable.

Go here to subscribe:

Ben Settle

Ben Settle

Email Specialist

Settle, LLC

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All rights reserved.

Settle, LLC | P.O. Box 437 | Gold Beach, OR 97444

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