Friday, 26 October 2012

Since it's Halloween time...

It seems not a day goes by anymore when some know-it-all (usually some dumb ass social media goo-roo) proudly proclaims email is "dead." Now, I don't know if they are doing this for shock effect... or because they are simply devoid of ideas and see everyone else using a "death of" theme in their headlines and subject lines and titles... or because they are simply stoopid and really believe email is dead.

Whatever the case, methinks it's time to put this rumor to rest.

Email ain't dead.

It ain't going anywhere any time soon.

And, even if it did, so what?

Writing emails will sharpen (like a stake!) your other communication skillz (speaking, writing, editing, etc).

So you win either way, Dracula.

But, it's not going anywhere.

So don't even fret about it.

Email supposedly "dies" all the time.

But until it's been staked, beheaded, and its mouth stuffed with garlic it'll just keep coming back anyway...

So go forth and profit from email.

It's free to use (basically).

Works FAST.

And, you can learn how it's done at:

Ben Settle

Ben Settle

Email Specialist

Settle, LLC

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All rights reserved.

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