Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Once in a while... I get stuck for ideas.

Considering how many emails or sales letters or other writings

(newsletter issues, books, products, etc) I'm creating at any

given time, this can put a serious damper on one's productivity


(Especially when writing multiple daily emails...)

So what can you do about this problem?

What I do is, I take long hot showers.

And I kind of just stand there... and think.

What do I think about?

YOU, actually.

Specifically, what things I can write about to help make your

emails (and your business) more profitable. Then what happens is,

that hot water pouring over my head stimulates the "creative" part

of the brain and -- BAM! -- out pops ideas.

Usually LOTS of ideas.

So MANY I have trouble capturing them all!

(I use a memory technique to do it.)

In fact, wanna know something funny?

I got the idea for THIS email taking a shower yesterday.

Anyway, something to ponder.

Of course, getting ideas is one thing.

Profiting from them is a whole other bag.

So if you want to start turning those ideas into cold, hard cash

in your hot little hand (using email) check out the "Email Players"


That's what each issue is about.

Combine what you learn with a hot shower and you're unbeatable.

Deadline to get the next issue is Thursday.

To subscribe in time, go to:


Ben Settle

Ben Settle

Email Specialist

Settle, LLC


Copyrighted & published by Settle, LLC.

All rights reserved.

Settle, LLC | P.O. Box 437 | Gold Beach, OR 97444

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