Last year, on a Copyblogger podcast I was described as being like
the cranky old "black sheep" uncle in the corner telling the kids
what a crock social media is.
It was actually pretty funny.
All good jokes are based on truth, after all.
And, let's face it:
He's right.
I don't drink the social media kool-aid.
Frankly, I hardly ever waste time on FaceBook. I have a
Google+ account but barely ever log in. And besides Twitter (which
I find entertaining and fun, and somewhat useful for business
purposes) I basically avoid social media like the zombie apocalypse
Still, that doesn't mean it's totally useless.
Or that you can't make $$ with it.
For example...
Here are some ways I've used and/or observed for increasing sales
(short term and long term) with social media:
* Finding JV partners
* Connecting with businesses
* Getting new customers to tell people about your website (like
Amazon does -- after you purchase they have links to social media
so you can tell all your friends how wonderful they are that they
let you buy something from them...)
* Market research (hear what people complain about)
* Seeing what your competition is up to
* Advertising (i.e. FaceBook PPC)
* Ruthlessly sabotaging your competition by spamming their wall
with how much they suck (just kidding... wanted to see if you were
Anyway, there are more than that.
So even I admit it's not ALL bad.
But compared to email, it's a joke.
I take great pride in all the people I've "converted" from being
diehard social media evangelists to being diehard email evangelists.
Do email right and it's way more fun.
Way more convenient.
And... way more profitable.
Give a shot at:
Ben Settle
Ben Settle
Email Specialist
Settle, LLC
Copyrighted & published by Settle, LLC.
All rights reserved.
Settle, LLC | P.O. Box 437 | Gold Beach, OR 97444
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Friday, 16 November 2012
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