Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I'll say the almighty headline isn't necessarily that important and

someone will write me in a near hysterical state quoting Caples or

Ogilvy or Dan Kennedy or whoever, to "prove" their case.

Well, I don't roll that way.

I look at results.

Real life examples.

And, specifically, current experiences.

Case in point:

Couple days ago "Email Players" -- --

subscriber Carl Juneau sent me an email about how he split tested a

video sales letter with and without a headline.

He was emailing his offer for a week straight.

And, here's what he said...


My results at the end of the week are:

Version A (standard): 4.78%

Version B (no headline): 4.52%

So what happened?

What happened is people who saw no headline sales letter ended up

buying anyway. Why? Because I kept emailing them about the offer, I


Conclusion 2: if you email a lot, a no-headline (crappy) sales

letter sells just as much as a standard (good) sales letter. 

Amazing isn't it?


Sho' nuff'.

But I'm not surprised.

I've had several experiences where even changing entire formats

(i.e. text vs video) using my system yielded little or no

difference in response.

Anyway, the message is clear here.

There are no "rules."

I don't care what some now-dead marketer said 100 years ago (all of

who'd probably be rolling in their graves reading these results) or

what your favorite Internet marketing goo-roo says today.

Where there's an email, there's a way, baby.

Especially with my system.

I teach it in "Email Players".

I show you emails that are working.

Strategies I'm using.

And, how I make more sales using email.

More than enough to pay for your monthly subscription assuming you

apply the info and have a responsive list and proven offer. (See

the upcoming December issue for ideas on how to build your list...)

Think you're ready to subscribe?

You sure?

Well okay then!

Go ye here:

Ben Settle

Ben Settle

Email Specialist

Settle, LLC

Copyrighted & published by Settle, LLC.

All rights reserved.

Settle, LLC | P.O. Box 437 | Gold Beach, OR 97444

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