Thursday, 1 November 2012

I don't hang much on FaceBook.

Sometimes I'm on there for S&G's or because I want to say something

to get a rise out of people for my own amusement. And when I do log

in, lately I've noticed something kinda... disturbing... inside:

All the constant emotional whining by guys.

It's no big deal when women do it.

I mean, that's what women do (they "emote").

But guys?

You gotta be kidding me.

We're talking grown men incessantly whining about everything from

their jobs and financial problems... to women who have SPURNED them

(gee, I wonder why)... to how much they hate Obama or Romney

(depending on which brand of kool-aid they drink)... to how

everything sucks, life is terrible and the list goes on.

Bitch, bitch, bitch.

Moan, moan, moan.

It's like put the dress away, dudes.

And sac up, already.

But here's the million nickel question:

Why is this happening?

What is it about FaceBook that turns men into girls?

I have a theory about that.

And here it is:

Like I said, when women do these things, I don't really care. Women

emote and that's just how they deal with things. That's natural and

normal. But the problem is, there's this social theory (that's

eerily accurate) that says you are (more or less) the sum of your 5

closest friends. And since a lot of women hang out on FaceBook

emoting all day, these guys can't help but become more like the

females emoting around them.

These dudes probably don't even realize it.

It just... happens.

So anyway, that's my theory.

Yes, there's value in social media.

Or, at the very least, fun.

Just don't let it turn you into a skirt.

Go here next:

Ben Settle

Ben Settle

Email Specialist

Settle, LLC

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