So I visited Chicago this week.
And I learned it's called "the Windy City" not because of the wind
and biting cold or whatever, but because of the hot air blown
around by the politicians the sheeple of the city have historically
Makes sense, too.
After all, it's where our teleprompter-toting president lived.
Oh, c'mon!
You know that's funny...
Anyway, on to bid'niz:
While walking the frigid streets of Chicago, I observed a few
beggars doing their thing collecting lots of change and dollars on
the fly from pedestrians. And, believe it or not, these beggars got
me to thinking about you (ha) and my other website readers.
No, I don't think you're a bum.
But, a lot of people complain to me how they'd looooooove to
subscribe to "Email Players"... but just can't afford it.
They say if ONLY it was cheaper they'd be in!
I hereby call BS on that.
The price is NOT the issue.
I don't care how broke someone is, either.
In fact, if someone REALLY wants in, they could easily pay double
what I charge for the newsletter with plenty of cash left over.
How do I know?
Because think about this:
"Email Players" costs $97 per month.
Maybe at a glance that seems high.
(It's supposed to -- I want serious people, not wannabes.)
But, if you do the math, it's actually pretty cheap:
Just $3.23 per day.
Most people piss that away on girly sugar coffees before noon.
Even the Chicago BEGGARS can afford $3.23 per day.
The point?
It's not about the price.
It's about priorities.
Hey, makes no difference to me what you do. My subscribers and I
are kicking bootay all over the place with or without you. But I
wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't point this out.
Speaking of which...
The next issue goes to the printer after tomorrow.
I rap a bit about list building this time.
No super ninja tricks, though.
If you want nonsense like that, go elsewhere.
Just solid, proven tactics that work.
(If implemented, of course...)
To get it in time, go to:
Ben Settle
Ben Settle
Email Specialist
Settle, LLC
Copyrighted & published by Settle, LLC.
All rights reserved.
Settle, LLC | P.O. Box 437 | Gold Beach, OR 97444
To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:
Thursday, 29 November 2012
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