So I got this interesting email recently.
It was from a website subscriber who is new to the marketing game,
and has fell on some really tough times both financially and in
other ways (dark stuff) and basically asked me two things:
1. A free Email Players subscription (i.e. a gift)
2. If I say "no" to not publicly humiliate him
Below is an edited version of my answer to him:
Hey man,
I would NEVER publicly humiliate you or anyone else who asks a
sincere question in good faith or has a rational disagreement, etc.
I only do that to people who all but ask for it. (i.e. angry
goo-roo fanboys looking to pick a fight, petty losers who are
blatantly insulting just for the sake of it -- or, even worse,
nasty tempered freebie seekers with an entitlement mentality acting
like spoiled children).
But even then, I don't name names.
And, never have.
Not even those who have publicly tried to harm my reputation.
Because it does no good.
And I am more interested in warning about "types" than I am
specifically singling anyone out, especially without me having all
the facts.
So no worries there.
It's ALL good.
Now, on to your other question:
I suspect a lot of people who hear your story would consider you
more deserving of something like a gifted product.
But deserve's got nothing to do with it.
And, it would hurt more than help you.
You did not ask my advice on this.
But that doesn't stop me from giving it anyway:
The best way to make it in this business is to get creative and
have patience. In fact, having NO money and nothing given to you is
actually a HUGE advantage. It forces you to do what others are not
willing to do and think differently than the unwashed masses. What
I did is just start with the free stuff like at and low cost books like Dan Kennedy's
"Ultimate Sales Letter" and "Ultimate Marketing Plan" books.
Then, I *applied* what I learned.
That's important.
Apply what you learn ASAP.
Don't wait.
Do it right away.
Then, what I also did was, I reinvested any monies I made (which
wasn't much at first) into buying more advanced products.
This gave me a finely honed "BS detector."
Especially since, I had no $$ to waste on nonsense.
(I don't think I ever bought from a big guru product launch.)
It was the best edu-ma-cation I could have gotten.
It took time, and patience and thinking outside the box.
It took letting go of my desires and fears.
And, it took persistence.
Yeah, it was kinda hair-raising at times.
But I wouldn't trade it for anything, nor would I dream of
depriving you or anyone else of that experience.
Anyway, I wish someone had told me the above.
It'd have short cutted my progress by years.
So hang in there.
Don't give up.
And, never stop pushing forward -- especially when all the crabs in
the bucket (family, friends, jealous co-workers, whoever) try to
pull your righteous self back in as you desperately try to escape.
Just test out the free & low cost stuff online (there's tons of it).
Make friends with other marketers on forums, etc.
And then invest wisely with your profits.
But above all...
Enjoy the ride.
Yeah, it can suck at times.
But it can also be a lot of fun, too.
And when you're ready?
The "Email Players" newsletter will be waiting.
I don't recommend people subscribe unless they're ready.
And by ready I mean:
1. Are building an email list (even if it's a small list)
2. Not afraid of what others think
3. Don't rely on swipe files (swiping emails is dumb)
4. Are not going to go into debt subscribing
5. Are going to APPLY what they learn
(That last one is key.)
It ain't for everyone.
Nor is it intended to be.
Here's the link:
Ben Settle
Ben Settle
Email Specialist
Settle, LLC
Copyrighted & published by Settle, LLC.
All rights reserved.
Settle, LLC | P.O. Box 437 | Gold Beach, OR 97444
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Thursday, 27 December 2012
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