A question about "asshole" emails:
"Ben I found your brief explanation about what you call 'asshole'
emails this week intriguing becauase I have noticed a pattern where
you write emails that are controversial then change up to something
softer and then go back and forth. Is that on purpose or random?
Thank you for all you do!!!"
Ah yes, asshole emails.
I talk about it in the January "Email Players" issue.
So I'm not gonna get too detailed here.
But yeah, I do mix it up.
Think of it like this:
Imagine there are two Ben's on your shoulders.
On your left shoulder is devil Ben with his pitchfork and red long
handled underwear and horns whispering something
controversial into your ear... or demolishing some myth that
everyone takes as "fact"... or mocking some dorky goo-roo fanboy
who sends him random nasty hate mail, etc.
On your right shoulder is angel Ben.
He's the opposite.
He's the one with his halo and wings who puts his loving arm around
your shoulders and, with a twinkle in his eye, gently guides you
towards the solution to the problem you want solved.
Both Bens are selling you something.
And, both Bens want you to succeed massively.
The secret is in the dosage.
Too much of one or the other and you'll get bored.
And boredom kills readership.
So I vary it up.
One day I mock the hamster spinners.
The next, I talk about how to write better.
Another day I may write about something inspirational.
Then maybe I go back to cracking the whip.
And so on, and so forth.
So you never know what you're gonna get.
Every day is a surprise.
Each email is different.
That is a big part of my system.
It's not the whole thing.
But it is a key part of it.
If you want to learn ALL the mysteries of the Settle way of writing
emails that make lots of sales, then check out the "Email Players"
It comes with a book showing my system from "A" to zebra.
The next issue goes to print shortly.
If you want in, there's no time to lose.
Zip on over to:
Ben Settle
Ben Settle
Email Specialist
Settle, LLC
Copyrighted & published by Settle, LLC.
All rights reserved.
Settle, LLC | P.O. Box 437 | Gold Beach, OR 97444
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Friday, 21 December 2012
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