Wednesday, 16 January 2013

I often use the term "goo-roo fanboy."

(Like in yesterday's email.)

And some people wonder what that is, exactly.

The best description I can think of is from the book "The Game" by

Neil Strauss, which is about a guy's journey from being a total

chump with the women... to becoming one of the world's greatest

pickup artists.

Here's what I mean:

Towards the end of the book, the author (his code name is "Style")

becomes a pickup artist guru. In fact, he's such a respected guru

the rush of newbie pick up artists entering the scene (due to

seminars and courses sold by OTHER pick up artist newbies online --

kind of like the Internet marketing scene today) start to emulate


In other words...

They all shave their heads just like Style does.

They grow his exact goatee and wear his exact kind of clothing.

And they even use the exact same pickup lines Style uses.

The result?

Before long, the entire part of town where these guys do their

thing in is crawling with little Style "clones" marching the strip

looking the exact same, acting the exact same and using the exact

same "tricks", one-liners and techniques. (Which become less and

less effective the more these sheeple mindlessly use them on the

same pool of women).

And eventually, all that's left are a bunch of "mini me" Styles.

No original thoughts.

No daring to buck the trend.

No questioning goo-roo "dogma."

And that, my friend, is what a goo-roo fanboy is.

No matter how dumb or stoopid or even illegal the action their

favorite goo-roo takes, these fanboys' little "rationalization

hamsters" will tell them it's okay and perfectly legal and cool

because their favorite goo-roo does it.

Kind of amusing, isn't it?

And so, now you know what a goo-roo fanboy is.

Ben Settle

P.S. The February "Email Players" issue goes to the printer in less

than two weeks.

And there's nary a goo-roo fanboy in sight.

Just real business owners.

With real products/services.

Wanting to make some real sales for a change.

Go here to get your email marketing groove on:

Ben Settle

Email Specialist

Settle, LLC

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