Thursday, 17 January 2013

An interesting question is posed...

"Ben, your emails are so cool you say whatever you want and really

don't care what people think or say. Question: Your not worried

about taking it to far and losing the loyalty of your subscribers?"

First off, thank you for the awesome comment.

As for your question:

I'm not taking it far enough.

Frankly, I should be taking it much farther, drawing all the RAGE

of a 1,000 politically correct lemmings descending upon my inbox.

Like, for example, the woman who told me she was "seriously

miffed!" after reading my email last week about how my litmus test

for women I date is (1) picking the IRON in Monopoly and (2) having

a pleasant reaction when I tell her "that sammich ain't gonna make


It's amusing she took that literally.

Everyone knows I prefer they pick the dog.

(A *true* symbol of obedience...)


Reminded me of those 1980's deodorant commercials.

Ever see those?

They'd demonstrate the deodorant by gliding it on their forearm to

show no stain, etc. And believe it or not, some people used to put

deodorant on their forearms instead of in their arm pits after

seeing those commercials.

Do you REALLY want them as customers?

So, I actively repel them away.

(And it usually works...)

Because, at the end of the day, those types almost always make for

pain in the gluteus assimus customers who suck up your time, energy

and resources.

Bottom line:

I'm all about what I call "repulsion marketing."

(As opposed to "attraction marketing".)

It's something I do in emails all the time.

And, it works.

To learn my email system, check out "Email Players".

It won't teach you to be syrupy sweet.

But, it will teach you how to beef up your sales.

Subscribe here:

Ben Settle

Ben Settle

Email Specialist

Settle, LLC

Copyrighted & published by Settle, LLC.

All rights reserved.

Settle, LLC | P.O. Box 437 | Gold Beach, OR 97444

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