Friday, 18 January 2013

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Managing Projects made even easier

Creating and managing Projects is now even easier. Set up your new classroom project directly from your Actions menu, and manage your project teams, permissions, events and members all from one location. Learn more about these improvements.

Get a head start on your PD

Running a training program for your school or district? Be sure to check out our latest showcase of professional development wikis and see how others are using their wikis to successfully plan and implement training. Check them out.

Upcoming Webinars: Knowledge Bases and Common Core Standards

Learn new skills for your classroom or company at this month's webinars. On Jan 22, we'll show you how to Build a Knowledge Base with Wikispaces. Learn to create a rich and easy-to-use knowledge base for all your company resources or classroom research projects. Then on Jan 30, we're hosting a panel on the Common Core Standards. We'll be speaking with experts in the field about how they're preparing for and working with the new standards. We're excited about both events and hope you can join us.

Featured Wiki: Oaxaca Wiki

Ron Mader started the Oaxaca wiki in July of 2007.

1. Briefly describe your group, your wiki, and what you use it to do:

The Oaxaca Wiki brings together the fans of Oaxaca, Mexico. It's plurilingual in approach and we measure progress slow step by slow step. We bring together the visitors and the locals who edit information about unique cultural and environmental aspects of Oaxaca in multiple languages (starting with English and Spanish). We focus attention on niche interests in travel and tourism, helping guide the way for those interested in cuisine, indigenous peoples, cycling, markets, and a host of other topics. All travel is local when we learn to listen to the locals.

The wiki format has worked wonders. Paraphrasing Benjamin Disraeli: "The best way to become acquainted with a subject is to wiki about it."

2. Besides the Edit button, which wiki feature is your favorite?

History. The ability to see and review revisions over time makes the progress visible to all. Cheers to embedded transparency and accountability! Second favorite: Embed a widget. This has been so helpful in adding videos.

Keep reading.

A message from Ryan K

What if you sat in the driver's seat of a rental car and found a joystick in the place of a steering wheel? You could sit for a while and figure it out, but if you're like me, you'd rather just start up the car and head on out.

The Wikispaces team tries to get you where you want to go - whether it's creating content or sharing it - with minimal surprises. As a software engineer, the best thing I can hear from our team about a new feature is that few people even noticed it. We made the improvements, put them out there, and you were on your way within seconds.

One of those invisible but useful things we recently released is the new selection boxes in our editor tools. Sometimes when you link to another page, you know exactly which page you want, and you just type its name. Other times you need to browse. Our new selection boxes handle either case, or a combination of the two, without fuss.

I look forward to building more tools that help you to focus on where you're going and not on the mechanics of getting there. And hopefully, I'll do it without you even noticing.

What will you do with your next wiki?

Good idea: Editing your wiki from your smart phone.

Bad idea: Editing your wiki from your rotary phone.

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