This question pops up... a lot:
"you recommend emailing everyday.
but how do you keep generating
content ideas in order to make it
A good question.
Here's the way I see it:
If you're positioning yourself as an expert (or even an ex-spurt)
or a leader in your market... and don't have something (anything)
to say each day... then mayhaps you're not the expert/leader you
say you are.
Hey, don't take this personally.
Consider it a challenge.
A challenge to study your market harder.
Dig more into your product's benefits and applications.
And gain a deep (not shallow -- like most people selling online)
understanding of your competition, your market's psychology
(you have done a psyche profile of your market, right...?) and all
the things that make you the best person to buy from or hire.
Plus, you KEEP stuffing your mind with other facts and info.
Things unrelated to your business.
As the great copywriter Gene Schwartz taught, you keep feeding your
mind with anything that will stick.
Then what happens?
All that info mixes in your mind.
Ideas pop out of nowhere.
And you start writing about things nobody else has even thought of
before, making you an original voice that demands to be heard.
Getting ideas is no longer the problem.
It's REMEMBERING them all.
Yeah, it's work.
Weeks and months (and years) of work.
And it's ongoing -- you NEVER stop the process.
But this is what separates the men from the boys, and what will
make emails flow out of you as naturally as BS flows from a
goo-roo's lips.
As for the "how tos'" of email...
That's where "Email Players" comes in.
No, it's not cheap.
And it's not for the lazy.
Details at:
Ben Settle
Ben Settle
Email Specialist
Settle, LLC
Copyrighted & published by Settle, LLC.
All rights reserved.
Settle, LLC | P.O. Box 437 | Gold Beach, OR 97444
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Monday, 11 February 2013
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