Tuesday, 19 March 2013

So here's a thought:

I was talking to my droog Jim Yaghi last week recording a call for

his customers (we basically just did a Seinfeld "show about

nothing", totally off the cuff) and Jim brought up an interesting

point about money.

It isn't good or evil.

But, it can *amplify* good or evil.

Kinda like Captain America's "super soldier" serum.

In the movie, the serum amplifies a good person's traits and makes

him better... (i.e. Captain America) but also amplifies an evil

man's traits and makes him even worse (i.e. The Red Skull).

Same with the green stuff.

In other words:

A good man will likely take that money and use it for good things,

to do good deeds, and bring value to the world. (Far more

efficiently and greatly than he would otherwise.)

But some scum bag?

He'll likely use it for wickedness.

Bring lots more misery on others.

And, hurt a ho' bunch of people in the process. (Yes, far more

efficiently and greatly than he would be able to otherwise.)

Anyway, something to ponder.

Next "Email Players" issue:

How to build a comfortable lifestyle for yourself writing a couple

emails per day.

No, it ain't magic or "ninja."

And it takes effort.

But, it can consistently bring you lots of sales.

Just use those powers for good, k?

Alright, here's where to subscribe:


Ben Settle

Ben Settle

Email Specialist

Settle, LLC


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