Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Yesterday I took a gander at my website logs.

I like to see what keywords people use to find my site. I see some

funny stuff, too, like "Ben Settle psychopath" or "Ben Settle

divorce" (who's looking for that?) or "Ben Settle Christian" and so


Yesterday someone searched for:

"ben settle email players black hat"

That one's especially amusing.


Because there's nothing "black hat" about what I teach.

Black hat is stupid.

It's dorky.

And, it doesn't work.

At least, if you're going for maximizing life time value instead of

one shot sales (and want to avoid dodging angry customers and

sometimes even the law...)

Yeah, black hat can "work."

Until it doesn't.

And the result is always lots of (understandably) PO'd customers

who feel they were tricked into buying and will never buy a 2nd (or

3rd or 4th...) time.

(Where the real $$ is made.)

Know what black hat marketers remind me of?

They're like the the creepy guy who can't get a date to save his

life, so he slips a mickey in someone's drink.

Yeah, he'll get the "date" alright.

Maybe even some action, too.

But, as soon as it all wears off and she realizes she's been

tricked, she's running away and ain't coming back for a second


She'll probably call the cops, too...

Anyway, so if Mr. Black Hat searcher is reading this:

Stop with the black hat nonsense.

It's often unethical.

Sometimes illegal.

And, doesn't work long term.

That's why I don't teach black hat in "Email Players".

Do email the way I teach and you can sell far more than you will

with any black hat idiocy, anyway.

With happier customers.

Easier selling.

And, more *repeat* buyers.

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Ben Settle

Ben Settle

Email Specialist

Settle, LLC

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All rights reserved.

Settle, LLC | P.O. Box 437 | Gold Beach, OR 97444

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