Thursday, 21 March 2013


Got an email from someone who says they like my emails so much

they've started copying them out by hand to get that "neurological

imprinting" Gary Halbert talked about.

Don't. do. it.

Just... don't.


Copying my emails by hand would be an exercise in stoopidity on the

scale of voting away your right to bear arms because some fascist

sob sister politician cries on TV.

This ain't false modesty neither.

(By now, realize I have no modesty).

No, it's just cold hard pragmatism:

Emails are not about the "writing."

They are about your personality. Copying my emails will simply make

you the "mini-me" to my Doctor Evil.

Do you REALLY want that?

To be a wannabe?

To prove yourself a loser?

It's the same as when some newbie in talk radio host imitates Rush

or Michael Savage, etc -- they sound like warmed versions of

someone else's leftovers.

And so will you if you copy my style of writing.

So write in YOUR own voice.

Using ideas from YOUR own brain.

And, in YOUR own style.

Which brings me to my next point:

Methinks (and I'm right about this) a LOT of people struggling with

email would have better results if they simply stopped treating

emails like static sales letters.

For sales letters, yes, hand copy them world class ads.

Do it every day.

Several times per day.

And, even at night.

But emails?


Instead, learn a system of writing emails.

(i.e. "Email Players")

Definitely study the good ones.

But find your own narrative flow.

Your own voice.

Your own particularities.

Don't try to hijack someone else's.

Bottom line?

My Email Players methodology ain't a "magic pill."

But it does work fast.

It does shortcut the sales process.

And, it does pay for itself if you have an attractive offer and a

list of receptive leads (without those two things you're dead in

the water no matter what you do.)

Ready to nut up?

Start writing your own persuasive emails?

And, not cling to your swipe file like a banky?

Then go here next:

Ben Settle

Ben Settle

Email Specialist

Settle, LLC

Copyrighted & published by Settle, LLC.

Reproduction of any portion of this email is strictly prohibited

without the express written consent of Settle, LLC.

Settle, LLC | P.O. Box 437 | Gold Beach, OR 97444

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