Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Recently read an article about email frequency.

And, interestingly enough, it was written by a website subscriber

(who shalt remain nameless -- whazzup Jeremy!). And it was, for the

most part, solid info.

Especially for someone just starting out.

Or people who are re-discovering email.

(After looking like noobs trying to sell on FaceBook, Twitter,

LinkedIn and Google+...)

But, what's this "most part" bid'niz?

Why withhold my FULL seal of approval?

Because of something towards the end where he says some businesses

"simply don't need to email every day, or even frequently."

Like, for example:

The pool maintenance guy in winter.

Or the dentist.

Or, the house painter, roofer, accountant, etc.

And therein lies the article's downfall.

These blokes COULD all be emailing daily.

They SHOULD all be emailing daily.

And, they WOULD all be emailing daily if they knew how not doing so

is increasing their spam complaints, hurting their positioning,

and, yes, robbing themselves of sales.

Like the pool guy in winter.

He could learn some skillz from Ralph Waldo Emerson:

"My neighbour the carriage maker

all summer is making sleighs

and all winter is making light gay gigs

and chariots for June and August

and so on the first days of the new season

is ready with his carriage

which is itself an invitation"

So it is with the pool guy.

He should be marketing himself even harder during the winter

sending emails each day.

Yes, he can talk about pool stuff still.

(Whatever problems pool owners face in the winter.)

But he can also write about local deals.

Special offers from other businesses.

And maybe even sell info products.

(He could publish a free or low cost print newsletter about pools

and general domestic fixer-upper info, and include paid ads -- or

joint venture offers -- from his fellow local businesses).

This way, he stays top o' mind.

Is a trusted community leader.

And, is the ONLY choice for pool cleaning come summer.

(Plus maybe even make more scratch than he does cleaning pools all


Same with the accountants, etc.

My accountant blogs daily year round.

(Yes, he should be emailing).

He talks about IRS cases.

Tax frauds.

And interesting tax-related info.

Ain't none of us gonna jump ship to another tax guy.

But hey, you do whatever you want.

Whatever your business, industry or seasonal schedule... if you

want top of mind status and more sales, mail daily. If you want to

be forgotten and make less sales, then mail once in a while.

To paraphrase ye olde Chicago politicians:

Mail early and mail often.

Yes, even during any "off seasons."

(*Especially* during off seasons...)

And that's where I can help.

If you want to learn how to write persuasive emails people like

buying from... and do it without struggling or tedious long

learning curves, check out the "Email Players" newsletter.

It ain't cheap.

And, it ain't for wannabes, neither.

It's for serious students of the game only.

"Players", if you will.

(And not spectators.)

Go here next to subscribe:

Ben Settle

Ben Settle

Email Specialist

Settle, LLC

Copyrighted & published by Settle, LLC.

Reproduction of any portion of this email is strictly prohibited

without the express written consent of Settle, LLC.

Settle, LLC | P.O. Box 437 | Gold Beach, OR 97444

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