Tuesday, 2 April 2013

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MARCH 2013

The Great Survey of 2013

We want to know what you think so we can make Wikispaces even better for you. Take 2 minutes to fill out our survey. It's completely confidential and we'll really appreciate it.

Tips & Tricks: Embedding Google Forms

In this month's Tips & Tricks, we take a look at Google Forms and how educators are using them to create more interactive and engaging classroom wikis. Check it out.

Create your own knowledge base

Wikis are powerful tools for sharing knowledge across your organization. Whether you're sharing documents, resources, or best practices, wikis make it easy. Learn how.

Featured Wiki: Knapp's Family Engagement Wiki

Joe Mazza started the Knapp's Family Engagement Wiki in March of 2010. We spoke with Gwen Pescatore, Knapp Elementary's Home & School President.

1. Briefly describe your group, your wiki, and what you use it to do:

We are an elementary school in Lansdale, PA. Our wiki page is our one-stop location where families can find all info for both our school and our Home & School Association. We not only use it to share our information, but also to encourage two-way communication and family involvement.

2. Besides the Edit button, which wiki feature is your favorite?

Not being the one who edits the page, but as a parent and contributor of information....my favorite feature is the ability for us to add widgets (such as a translator). We have over 20 languages spoken at our school and without this option, we limit our ability to share information with so many of our families.

Keep reading.

A message from Wendy

The first day of Spring has passed in the Northern Hemisphere where the Wikispaces office is, and in anticipation of summer, we're all busy tidying up areas of our lives. For educators, this often means organizing the daily tools, like Wikispaces, that make their classrooms tick.

Over the past month, I've had a blast working closely with teachers and administrators to do just this on their Wikispaces Private Label sites. I've had a lot of great conversations about what a district or a school site should look like, how to help teachers have effortless access to resources and collaboration spaces with their students, and I've worked to help them get there. What never ceases to amaze me is our customers' motivation and dedication to designing spaces that are easy for both students and teachers alike. You should see some of the learning spaces they've designed!

So even if Puxatawney Phil fibbed a bit in your neck of the woods and your lawn is inexplicably being covered by snow as you read this, take a peek into your own toolkit and see what you can spruce up. I bet you'll love what you come up with.

What will you do with your next wiki?

Good Idea: Use a wiki to keep parents and students informed about class assignments and news.

Bad Idea: Use a wiki to shroud your classroom assignments and news in mystery.

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