A message from WendyThe first day of Spring has passed in the Northern Hemisphere where the Wikispaces office is, and in anticipation of summer, we're all busy tidying up areas of our lives. For educators, this often means organizing the daily tools, like Wikispaces, that make their classrooms tick.
Over the past month, I've had a blast working closely with teachers and administrators to do just this on their Wikispaces Private Label sites. I've had a lot of great conversations about what a district or a school site should look like, how to help teachers have effortless access to resources and collaboration spaces with their students, and I've worked to help them get there. What never ceases to amaze me is our customers' motivation and dedication to designing spaces that are easy for both students and teachers alike. You should see some of the learning spaces they've designed!
So even if Puxatawney Phil fibbed a bit in your neck of the woods and your lawn is inexplicably being covered by snow as you read this, take a peek into your own toolkit and see what you can spruce up. I bet you'll love what you come up with. |
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