A message from AdamWe spend most of our time talking to and thinking about teachers. But recently we've gotten involved in a different conversation. A conversation about the education technology industry.
We've always considered ourselves fortunate that we found a calling and a business model that works for us. Teachers came to us when we started Wikispaces, we figured out we could give them something they needed, and we built a great business by selling our services to the schools, districts, and universities that teachers work for. So we just focused on building great products and delivering great service and everything we've accomplished has flowed from that.
In the last couple of years, investment in education technology has experienced a resurgence as people see big opportunities to disrupt a large and sometimes archaic industry. And that leads to different business models and approaches to business. People prioritize raising large amounts of money from investors, growing as big as possible as quickly as possible, generating hype and press rather than focusing on customers, and building flashy technology that fits into the latest trend rather than great products that help real people.
We're trying to use what we've learned to influence the new generation of education technology entrepreneurs to think about this market the way we do. We encourage you to lend your voice to the discussion as well. There's so much opportunity in education technology, to make a real difference in people's lives, and to build successful companies that it's worth the effort.
Read more in our recently published article "How to Succeed in Education Technology". |
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