Let's get down to bid'niz.
Yesterday I said I was giving away my "Crackerjack Selling Secrets" book to anyone who donates at least $5 to the dog shelter in my town and sends me the PayPal receipt:
(More than $5 is better, of course...)
But, you might wonder, what's IN the book?
Is there REALLY anything cool inside, or just more of the same old recycled info?
Fair enough question.
So, how about these mangoes:
* The "un-sexy" persuasion secret of a trial lawyer who NEVER loses. (This man was once accused of "hypnotizing" a jury just for using this innocent, white hat tip.)
* A simple way to "spin" a prospect's rejection into multiple new sales. (Just say this when someone tells you "no" and you can potentially nab 2, 3, 5, even 10 extra sales. You'll probably even start praying for "no's" after reading this!)
* The "nerd gets cheerleader" persuasion trick that makes it extremely hard for customers to resist buying from you. (Even if they didn't originally intend to!)
* An almost unheard of way to use vicious gossip to sell more products. (Benjamin Franklin used this to get even hostile kings of enemy countries to listen to and follow his ideas while serving as a U.S. diplomat.)
* How to "de-hype" your most powerful and outrageous product claims. (Mr. Spock often did this in the old Star Trek TV shows when persuading Captain Kirk to do something crazy.)
* The secret of selling with your hands. (As far as I can tell, nobody in the history of mankind has ever been able to ignore a sales pitch by someone who does this with one of their hands.)
* How to get cold prospects to EAGERLY buy even your most expensive products "sight unseen" (This was discovered years ago by a social psychologist, takes zero effort to use and is so effective, this might be the only sales "technique" you ever need!)
* How the man once billed as "the world's greatest salesman" sold millions of dollars in products by NOT talking during his pitches. (This is PERFECT if you're introverted, shy or feel awkward when selling.)
* A sneaky (and fun) way to "trick" your competition into doing your selling for you... and without them even knowing it! (Warning: This ONLY works for truly valuable products and services. Otherwise, it will backfire on you.)
* A can't-lose way to "flip" angry prospects into your happiest and BEST paying customers. (One giant airline did this when a flight was delayed for several hours with people on board and had them loving the company within minutes.)
* The "bumbler's advantage" persuasion phenomenon used by some of history's most effective salesmen, politicians, negotiators and lawyers.
* The simple trick (used all the time by professional con men) that makes it almost impossible for prospects to tell you "no." (And never fear, there's absolutely nothing even remotely unethical, illegal or immoral about doing this.)
* A secret "2 second" trick for selling high ticket products and services to complete strangers.
* The pick-up artist's "instant ice-breaking" secret for getting people to like and trust you within seconds of meeting you.
* A borderline "racist" (and even sexist) sales principle that instantly makes people more likely to buy from you. (Don't worry--there's nothing unethical or evil about this. In fact, people APPRECIATE it when you do it.)
* The "Dear Abby" persuasion formula used by a few (very rich) marketers to slip past peoples' natural sales defenses. (Even works with people who automatically delete or ignore sales pitches on sight!)
* How top door-to-door salesmen used to quickly and easily "neutralize" prospect sales resistance. (Also works on the Internet, too.)
* How the guy once called "the most persuasive man of the 20th century" effortlessly sold Wall Street tycoons, political power players and even U.S. presidents on his products, services and ideas.
* 7 simple words that almost force "hemmers & hawers" off the fence. (And, in many cases, choose to buy what you're selling!)
* A sneaky way to sell more products with a WEAK sales pitch.
* The best people to study if you want to learn the art and craft of selling as fast as humanly possible. (And without spending a single penny on any books, courses or seminars.)
* The little-known persuasion secret behind how even complete "nobodies" are elected to public office. (And how to use this secret for almost anything you want to sell, too.)
* A sneaky (but effective) way to "recruit" other sales and marketing pros to help YOU make more money.
* How dirty politicians and their "henchmen" persuade people of power and influence to give them their money and votes. (And how to ethically use this same secret with your legitimate products.)
* How to make MORE money from a prospect by NOT selling them anything. (This may sound bizarre, but it works like crazy almost every time.)
* When "positive thinking" can destroy your sales. (This is must-reading If you follow the teachings in "Think And Grow Rich" or "The Secret".)
* A secret button on your telephone that's been proven to quickly, easily and sometimes dramatically increase sales. (Another bizarre tip. And it works especially well for people who HATE selling by phone!)
* How certain politicians win millions of extra votes even when nobody trusts or likes them. (If you pay attention, you can see this subtle persuasion secret used every day on the news.)
* The "ninja question" used by a certain real estate agent to routinely outsell his competitors. (Just ask your prospects this seemingly innocent question and watch what happens!)
* The "squirmy question" secret of one the direct selling industry's top sales trainers. (Ideal for selling expensive products to cold prospects.)
* A truly "no brainer" (yet almost always overlooked) way to get people looking FORWARD to hearing from you. (And many times even eager to buy from you.)
* How to arrange it so instead of you trying to sell to your prospects... your prospects sell YOU on "letting" them buy. (Master this and selling is "cake".)
* The quickest way to "position" yourself as a trusted authority in your market--even if nobody has ever heard of you before.
* One (very simple) way cults persuade ordinary people to join their freaky organizations. (Nothing "black hat" about it, either. In fact, this was used by one of the most respected copywriters who ever lived to sell over 100 million dollars worth of products by mail order.)
* How one of the world's top direct marketers uses an ordinary pocket watch to sell FAR more of his products than he would otherwise. (This may sound almost TOO simple, but it's spooky how easily this ramps up sales.)
* The "Harvard" secret of easy selling. (This powerful persuasion principle was discovered by a Harvard psychologist, and makes people up to 94% more likely to buy from you!)
* How your "expert" status can HURT your sales!
* An almost fool proof way to eliminate "sticker shock" when selling high ticket products and services.
* Every day "magic" words that make even hypey, over-the-top claims instantly believable.
* Abraham Lincoln's long lost persuasion secret you will never read about in the history books. (Lincoln was one of history's great debaters and persuaders. Here's one of his best-kept secrets for winning over his rivals in politics and business.)
* The exact best time to begin selling. (Back in the old days, a few smart door-to-door salesmen used this knowledge to 1.) Virtually eliminate rejection and 2.) Make LOTS more sales. Also works for getting raises at a job, too.)
* The persuasion "mind candy" secret of the world's most respected (and feared) negotiator. (Works like gangbusters for persuading everyone from your neighbors or family members to big ego boardroom executives.)
* A 100% "no hype" way to quickly stick out like a sore thumb in competitive markets. (Boardroom Books--one of the biggest direct mail companies in the world--made a fortune doing this. You can use it, too.)
* A secret way (almost nobody knows) to make sure you NEVER bore your prospect. (This was accidentally discovered by a grade school teacher to keep her hyper active kids calm and behaved. And it virtually guarantees you keep your prospect's undivided attention when selling in person, on the phone or even in an ad or sales letter.)
* A controversial (yet dignified and tasteful) way to increase your sales by threatening your prospects' families.
* The secret of getting customers to "sell themselves" on buying from you. (No arguing, gimmicks or convincing necessary.)
* How to prove your product is better than your competitor's without showing your prospects even a shred of proof. (Pepsi used this to corner the soft drink market. Here's how you can use it, too.)
* How to use your prospect's natural desire to be lazy to sell him MORE products and services.
* How to get total strangers to trust you right out the gate.
* A blatantly "politically incorrect" persuasion secret (discovered by the late marketing genius Gary Halbert)... that reveals ALL of your prospect's unique emotional "hot buttons."
* The single easiest way to win a prospect's trust ever invented. (Advertising legend David Ogilvy used this to dominate the super competitive advertising business in the 1960's. And it's shocking so few people use it today.)
* The right (and wrong) ways to use gut-wrenching fear in your sales pitches.
* A "counter intuitive" sales tip (most people never think to do) that immediately gets customers WANTING to buy from you and ONLY you.
* How to "recruit" your best customers to do all your selling for you. (And without paying them a penny in commission.)
* How to use your prospect's skepticism to your advantage when selling to them.
* And lots, lots more.
Are we having fun, yet?
And the above are just 55 of the tips.
There are 101 total inside.
Again, this book has sold for as much as $97.
But you can have it for the bargain basement price of a $5 donation (more than $5 is cool, too, of course...) to my local dog shelter at:
Just send me your PayPal receipt.
And I'll send you the book.
(In pdf format.)
See ya,
Ben Settle
Ben Settle
Email Specialist
Settle, LLC
Copyrighted & published by Settle, LLC.
All rights reserved.
Settle, LLC | P.O. Box 437 | Gold Beach, OR 97444
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Wednesday, 5 September 2012
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