Sunday, 2 September 2012

Dead ad walking

Here's some of the best ad advice I ever done got:

"If you are not running enough tests that are really flopping, then

you are not doing your job...A very good copywriter is going to

fail. If the guy doesn't fail, he's no good. He's got to fail.

It hurts. But it's the only way to get the home runs the next


Who said that?

The late great grand puba of marketing Eugene Schwartz.

Speaking of which...

You only have one day left to get his famous seminar for only $20 (regularly $297), plus a swipe file of over 500 ads and the "Copywriting Jam Session" teaching I did with Doberman Dan about our "process" of writing ads.

Details at:

Where was I?

Oh yeah, Schwartz's testing advice.

And he wasn't just whistlin' dixie, either.

Case in point:

While back I wrote a fartload of squeeze pages for a client. Not just 2 or 3 test panels... but 20-30 test panels. Some of them play it "safe" (not veering too much from their current control) and some are so off the charts crazy different, they probably thought I was a nutcase for even submitting them.

But you know what?

I fully expected 95% of those tests to FAIL.

To me they are all dead ads walking to that great electric chair of cyberspace where probably only one of them will survive the onslaught.

In fact, my first test failed by a fat 20%.

And that's good!

Did not bother me one bit.

I knew it'd either win big or lose big.

And that's really the name of the game.

I mean, what would you rather have -- 100 "play it safe" tests that add up to a 100% increase over weeks or months... or one BIG winner that beats your control by 100% in a day?

Which do you think will make you money faster?

Something to think about.

To paraphrase one of the great American minds:

"Failure is COOL, Beavis."

Ben Settle

P.S. The $20 Eugene Schwartz seminar sale ends tomorrow (Labor Day here in the US) at midnight. This is by FAR one of the most valuable copywriting trainings I've ever used (and I STILL listen to it regularly).

Usually it costs $297.

But if you hurry, it's yours for a mere $20 spot:

Ben Settle

Email Specialist

Settle, LLC

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