Saturday, 1 September 2012


I've been yapping away about Gene Schwartz a lot.

Obviously, one of the reasons for this is because I'm doing a joint venture with Michael Senoff, selling Gene Schwartz's famous speech to Phillips Publishing that has changed so many peoples' lives (including yours truly's).

Usually, this bad-boy costs $297.00.

But, for the next couple days you can get it for just $20:

Anyway, I got to thinking about that speech again today.

And specifically, a little piece of headline advice in it that changed everything for me, and helped me pen winners even when my ads were weak.

(Especially when I was just starting out.)

What was the advice?

Simply this...

"When you are dealing with someone of real brilliance that does a

headline absolutely beyond all belief, then you are going to have a

hard time winning. Probably you are going to lose then no matter

how many facts you have."

In other words...

It's ALL about the headline.

Not super writing & persuasion skillz.

Not sales choke holds and "fireworks."

And not even an irresistible offer.

Without that magic headline, even "great" copy will get slaughtered by a newbie who writes a better one. Good news, for newbies, eh? And maybe that's why he spends so much time on headlines in the speech.

Frankly, it's a headline POWER lesson.

Gene competed against the best of the best.

Had seen THOUSANDS of split tests.

And knew exactly how to write headlines that would win even though (by his own admission!) he was never the best "writer" in the game.

Awesome, awesome stuff.

And, at $20 it's a steal.

To get it before it goes back to $297, go here:

BTW, this is my affiliate link.

And if you order from it, Michael will send you a couple bonuses:

1. A 527 ad swipe file (which includes Gene Schwartz ads)

2. "The Sales Letter Jam Session" (which teaches you the nuts and bolts of how to build an ad from beginning to end)

Hurry, though.

This offer ends soon.

Ben Settle

P.S. Here's the link:

Ben Settle

Email Specialist

Settle, LLC

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