Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Once upon a time I wrote a book called:

"Crackerjack Selling Secrets"

It started off as my own personal selling cheat sheet with 101 easy and ethical ways to sell almost anything, to anyone (online or offline) -- without struggle, frustration or using any "black hat" nonsense.

Later, I expanded it into a book and it was an instant hit.

In fact, versions of the book sold for as much as $97.00.

(And even then people thought it was a bargain.)

Since then, it has become sort of a "cult classic" amongst entrepreneurs lucky enough to nab a copy while it was available to the public. And even today, people ask if I'm ever going to re-release it.

The answer is...


At least, for this week.

And, at a price anyone can afford.

Here's the skinny:

Lately I've had the urge to help out the local dog shelter. They do a lot of good work. Save a lot of dogs. And (somehow) keep it a "no kill" shelter. However, since this town is so isolated, scum bags like to abandon their dogs here (a$$holes) -- keeping it strained to the hilt for cash flow to stay up and running.

Anyway, I want to help.

So, here's my proposal:

If you donate at least $5 to the shelter (more is merrier!) at the link below and send me your PayPal receipt, I will send you a free digital (pdf) copy of "Crackerjack Selling Secrets".

(Yes, it's not technically "free" if you have to donate, wise guy, but you know what I mean...)

Here is the link:


If you can donate more, even better.

Every dollar counts.

(And is MUCHO appreciated.)

Word up.

Ben Settle

Ben Settle

Email Specialist

Settle, LLC


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