Thursday, 6 September 2012

OK, so here's the deal, Boss:

The $5 Crackerjack Selling Secrets offer (where you donate at least $5 to my local dog shelter and I'll send you a pdf of the book -- which has sold in the past for as much as $97) ends soon.

Just go to this link:

Donate at least $5 (more is better, of course...)

And then email me your receipt.

I'll then send you a pdf of the book.

What's that?

You want to help the dogs, and this all sounds peachy, but you would still like to see a bit of social proof the book is worth your precious time, first?


Here are a few comments about the book from some marketers who have "seen it all" and don't waste time with nonsense:

"Excellent book"

-Ken McCarthy,

Internet marketing pioneer

"Sales immediately went up"

Yesterday I used tip #6 to make 1 small, quick change to my website and sales immediately went up. It was crazy. I didn't do anything different except that change.

P.S. As you know, I WANTED to give your book negative feedback for ripping my sales letter to shreds recently, but I really can't. It's perfect for someone like me. I was going to critique it, but instead got into it... so that says something!

-Rich Bryda

"Bloody brilliant!"

Bloody brilliant!

Dude, I learned so much from Crackerjack Selling Secrets and I want to use some of this stuff in my landing pages to try and increase optin-rates.

-Jim Yaghi

Computer Scientist

#1 Google AdWords Marketer in MLM


Wow! I LOVE your Cracker Jack Selling Secrets book, and as always, I learned some new things - some of which I never put my finger on before.

My favorite was #25, which I will consciously use now.

One particular "guru" could have used it on me and easily earned my $6,000 and respect, instead of my disgust and lost business.

-Gina Parris

Professional speaker

peak performance coach

to professional athletes,

market traders and entrepreneurs

"My eBay listings will be better now"

I enjoyed your book a LOT.

Short, easy lessons...I have absolutely NO critical suggestions and that is rare for me who sticks my nose in people's writing often when not even asked.

I think the wisest was using skepticism to our advantage. I bet my eBay listings will be better now that I understand that.

-Greg Perry

eBay Powerseller

world's most published author

of computer books

And my droog Caleb Osborne said this about it...

(Not sure I should publish this one... ha):

"The CrackerJack Sellin' Secrets is sittin on my toilet right now and I go through a couple selling gems every time I sit down to take care of business :) That may be too much info, but whatev :) "


-Caleb Osborne

Anywhat, again, here's all you have to do:

Go to this link:

Donate at least $5.

Send me your PayPal receipt.

Do that and "Crackerjack Selling" is all yours.

Ben Settle

Ben Settle

Email Specialist

Settle, LLC

Copyrighted & published by Settle, LLC.

All rights reserved.

Settle, LLC | P.O. Box 437 | Gold Beach, OR 97444

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