Here's an interesting question that came in...
"Ben I have heard writers talk
about the kinds of music they
listen to when writing helping
their craft. I am curious what
you listen to or if you recommend
anything when writing emails and
This is different for everyone.
My friend Greg Perry (most published computer book author on the planet) says to listen to Baroque music.
(As he says, "if it ain't Baroque, don't fix it!")
Gary Halbert once said that music actually raises your IQ, I think.
Stephen King listens to hard rock.
Some even listen to love ballads (Henry Rollins, I think does this).
I listen to epic movie scores.
Actually, that's not true anymore.
At least, not lately.
In fact, for the past few months I have been listening to a very special kind of music (from a very specific band) that has helped my writing at least 10 fold. I know it sounds weird, but after I started listening to this specific band when writing, I noticed writing getting... easier. In other words, my emails got tighter, more interesting, and had more "heart."
(If you catch my drift...)
One day I finally figured out why:
This band's lyrics are basically email "templates."
Yes... you could say this about a lot of bands.
But this particular music is especially worthy of study if you want to write emails that get people to buy your products and services. We're talking VERY simple lyrics that are also kind of deep, at the same time.
There's the surface stuff and then there's the stuff between the lines.
On the surface it gives warnings learned from the writer's own mistakes, his own flaws, and his own inner demons.
And between the lines, you're getting ballads of human nature, life and loss.
That get you thinking and, sometimes, even behaving differently.
JUST like a good email.
Hellz, just like ANY good piece of copy.
Who is this band?
And, how can you turn their songs into money in ye olde piggy bank?
The answer is in the November "Email Players" issue.
(Ain't I a bastard? haha)
Hey, this is powerful stuff.
And my boyz & girlz will have the inside scoop.
It goes to the printer next week.
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Ben Settle
Ben Settle
Email Specialist
Settle, LLC
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All rights reserved.
Settle, LLC | P.O. Box 437 | Gold Beach, OR 97444
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Tuesday, 23 October 2012
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