Monday, 22 October 2012

Below is a note I got from "Email Players" subscriber Jonathan Rivera.

He took my system and has RUN with it. And thus, he regularly keeps eagerly coming back month after month, and sends me new updated testimonials along the way. In fact, he reminds me each month to send his issue "just in case" so there is no delay.

I have several subscribers who do this.

And, it's awesome how much success they're having.

Anyway, below is Jonathan's latest one:


Yo Mr Settle - what's up my friend.

I'm sorry I dropped of the grid for a

while, but it's pretty much your fault.

In August I redid my autoresponder

for my big ticket subscription product

(people pay me $600 per month for 1

year) Instead of the 3 emails I was

sending in the first 30 days I opted to

put the Settle magic to work and upped

the anti - sending 12 emails over thirty


The results...

I signed $28,800 in new business that

month with a list of less than 40 people!

Wondering what people pay me $600

per month for?

An apartment.

Anyone who thinks this stuff won't work

in their business just needs to figure out

how to translate it to what they do.

The point to this email is not to swell

your head, but merely to let you know I

just sent you $97 for this month's eMail Players -

make sure you send it to me pronto so I

can make even more money off what you

teach me ;)

Thanks for everything,



Hey, I'm not guaranteeing everyone will make out like bandits.

But mostly, those who don't aren't applying the info.

(And will often admit it.)

So let me be crystal clear with your righteous bootay:

"Email Players" is NOT intended for everyone.

Its NOT for "price shoppers."

And, it's NOT for people who don't apply what they learn. (Or who read, nod and go "okay, what else ya got???" before applying the info first.)

I can't stand people like that.

They suck the life out of you.

And so, I don't want anything to do with them.

What I want are doers.


And, yes, *players*.

(Or those who want to be players in business.)

Thus, the name of the newsletter.

Anyway, here's where to subscribe:

Ben Settle

Ben Settle

Email Specialist

Settle, LLC

Copyrighted & published by Settle, LLC.

All rights reserved.

Settle, LLC | P.O. Box 437 | Gold Beach, OR 97444

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

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