| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Go Corporate with 10% Off | | | | | | | | Open a new Corporate Account by the end of November and you and your team will get 10% off 360 or more credits and enjoy all the creative freedom that comes with having a cache of credits at your disposal. Aside from 30-day billing, an iStock Corporate Account allows you to set up sub accounts with customizable credit limits for each of your creatives, so when a serious brainstorming is going down, the flow never gets interrupted and your team is free to rock all day and night. They get all the digital content they need while you keep an eye on the credit usage reporting online. And everybody's happy. | | | | | | | | Learn more  | | | | | | | |  | | | | | | | | | | Raster Master We've quenched the growing demand for traditional illustration with our rad rasters, which include paintings, sketches and digital artwork. | | | | The Sound of Business Business music is hard to define, but our friends at juqboxmusic have a keen understanding of what a business corporate track should sound like. | Explore Rasters  | Listen now  |  |  | | | | | | | | | | | Canon PowerShot G1 X The latest model in Canon's legendary G-series is a 14.3 Megapixel camera with a CMOS sensor measuring 18.7x14mm and DSLR image quality. | | | | Featured Artist: StudioThreeDots StudioThreeDots' fresh perspective on faces, concepts and themes will help you uniquely express the emotion and tone you're looking for. | Learn more  | View portfolio  |  |  | | | | | | | | | Select themes to help inspire your next project | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Leading Ladies Feast is in full swing this month as Ale Lariu, CEO of shout, co-founder of SheSays and Feast Artist in Residence for October guides her protégés in creating campaigns that celebrate female leadership. This isn't about bashing men or even "girl power" but a chance to create an opportunity for both sexes to be represented. Join us in exploring this game-changing initiative! Read more  | | Color Her Helpful Jennifer Hogan is a User Experience Designer at iStock, so she knows a thing or two about making your quest for content as easy and intuitive as possible. This month, she helps you out even more with some color search tips that are sure to brighten your day. Learn how to use themes, profiles and more to find that perfect shade of grey or candy corn orange that's just right for your project. Get tips  | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |  | | | | | | | | Image Credits |  | #9635397 RichVintage, #10389180 animatedfunk, #16945153 RichVintage, #1027520 StudioThreeDots, #18967520 EdStock, #3015717 sandoclr, #15543308 aaaniram, #20440028 LukaTDB, #4322735 IntergalacticDesignStudio, #20695666 VikramRaghuvanshi, #16386707 WoodenStudio | | | | | | | | | | You are subscribed to iStockphoto.com as swiftseoteam7@gmail.com and have received this e-mail as per your Control Panel preferences. Unsubscribe | Change Email Address | Contact Info | Privacy Policy Copyright © 2012 iStockphoto LP. All rights reserved. iStockphoto®, iStock®, iStockaudio®, iStockvideo®, iStockalypse™, Vetta® and CopySpace® are trademarks of iStockphoto LP. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. | | | |
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