Hey, so let's rap about list building.
For the past year I've been experimenting with a way to
rapidly build my list that ANYONE can do.
It takes about 5-minutes (give or take).
And, is nabbing more subscribers than ever.
(Spanning multiple niches.)
I learned this trick from a computer scientist who stumbled onto it
while doing PPC for a client, and noticed a huge swelling of new
opt ins coming through with JUST their existing traffic.
How does it work?
Basically, it goes like this:
You write your capture pages in a way where the reader perceives
time passing and they'll miss hopping on the train (i.e. missing
out) if they don't opt in right NOW.
This is NOT about using scarcity or anything gimmicky.
It's purely a language thing.
(It was even inspired by a professional linguist's research.)
Anyway, it works like gangbusters.
When I first did it, my opt ins went up RIGHT away.
And since then, they're up at least 10-20% (depending on the site)
than what they were before using this method.
Of course, sales have been up since then, too.
And guess what?
When you donate a "whopping" $5 (preferably more, but $5 is the
minimum) to my local dog shelter before Friday at midnight, I will
send you an in-depth interview (actually, the transcript) I did
with this computer scientist who discovered it, showing you even
more ways to boost opt ins and sales you're NOT hearing anywhere
Yes, this will likely be "new" info, my friend.
At least, for most people who see it.
(I sent this to "Email Players" subscribers last year.)
And it's based on true scientific testing.
By a "for real" scientist.
Other than a few of our students, my friend and I are the only
people doing this.
That means you'll be one of a few who knows this info.
(Well, until some goo-roo gets his greasy meathooks on it...)
But time's getting short.
You got until Friday at midnight.
Here's what to do:
1. Click the link below
2. Donate $5 (preferably more) via PayPal
3. Forward your PayPal receipt to ben@bensettle.com
You'll also get 3 other prizes, including:
1.) An *advanced* email marketing training I did with Perry
Marshall's marketing manager Jack Born recently, for Jack's Aw
Pro Tools customers
2.) "Obvious Adams" pdf book
3.) "Secrets Of A Text Messaging Player"
(This is an interview with Trevor Mauch -- who is the best I know
at integrating text messaging with email marketing seamlessly and
in a way that makes your customers happy to hear and buy from you.)
Alright then, laddybuck.
Theres no time for dilly-dally.
This offer ends Friday night at the stroke of midnight.
Again, this is all you do:
1. Click the link below
2. Donate at least $5 (preferably more) via PayPal
3. Forward your PayPal receipt to ben@bensettle.com
Ben Settle
Ben Settle
Email Specialist
Settle, LLC
Copyrighted & published by Settle, LLC.
All rights reserved.
Settle, LLC | P.O. Box 437 | Gold Beach, OR 97444
To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:
Tuesday, 26 February 2013
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