Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Every now and then I make a mistake.

Not very often, mind you.

And, to be blunt, it happens so infrequently that, when it does

happen (me making a mistake), statistically it's as if it never

happened at all.

Still, I did make one a couple hours ago in today's email.

And that's when I said:

"'Email Players' back issues are available to subscribers only."

Apparently, a few eager beavers automatically thought I meant back

issues are free to subscribers. That even though everyone else paid

for those back issues, just because they are a new subscriber they

are somehow entitled to them for free because, by thunder, that's

the way all their favorite goo-roos do it.

(i.e. give away stuff others paid for free to new customers).

Well, that's not how it works.

In this case, "available" does not mean "free."

And, if this wasn't the Internet where everyone wants everything

free and now and with a smile... this wouldn't even be necessary to

explain. Luckily, the majority of my website subscribers know this

already. But, since it is the Internet, and since so many Internet

marketers are not really entrepreneurs (and think more like

Wal-Mart shoppers than business owners), I'll clarify:

Back issues are not free.

They never have been free.

They never will be.

They cost the same price everyone who was subscribed at the time

they were published paid.

And, only current subscribers can buy them.

That's what I meant by "available to subscribers only."

Moral of the story?

Don't subscribe just for "the free stuff."

You'll just waste your time.

(And mine.)

Hey, believe it or not paying for valuable info is GOOD.

You should want to pay for things.

You'll make FAR more $$.


Well, I once wrote a blog post about it here:


Alrighty then.

Back to business.

More fun tomorrow...

Ben Settle

Ben Settle

Email Specialist

Settle, LLC


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All rights reserved.

Settle, LLC | P.O. Box 437 | Gold Beach, OR 97444

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