Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Talk about a badass.

I recently asked one of my "Email Players" subscribers from Down

Under (one of Australia's top copywriters, and a cool cat to boot)

about how he was doing. And he replied with this awesome

inspirational email (name removed by request, for reasons that'll

be obvious in a second). An email that shows how someone can use

"Email Players" to not only make a ton of the green stuff under

some crazy conditions, but get other, uhm, "benefits", from it



Thanks man.

To be honest, my girl and I have been battling some full-on health

stuff. So we had to fly abroad for some radical treatment that they

couldn't do in Oz.

But you know what buddy?

Cos of the bad health, I went thru a 'slump' and even started

doubting my own awesomeness.

Productivity dived.


But yesterday i picked up Email Players issue #15 [NOTE: the "Tao

Of Steve" issue, back issues available to subscribers only - BEN]

while hooked up to an IV in Mexico. Read it front to back. Some

parts twice.

You reminded me to:

- Grow some Balls

- Be Excellent

- Entertain

- Add personality

- Be funny, witty and unpredictable.

- And don't be a pussy when telling to buy

Perfect antidote mate. Thank you.

In about 30mins I whipped up this email/post (attached)

I reckon this little puppy will pull in around $10K.

Bare minimum.

Will let you know how it goes.

Can't thank you enough Ben.

Cheers legend.



If a man strapped to a hospital bed 1,000+ miles from home hooked

up to an IV can make $10k from an email... well... kinda puts

things in perspective, doesn't it?

I'm often amazed by my subscribers.

Some are the biggest bad asses I've ever known.

Guyz (and galz) who inspire the hellz out of me.

Anyway, next issue mails soon.

Got some great list building info in it.


How to grow your list with your existing traffic.

Great for newbies and pros alike.

Subscribe here while you can:


Ben Settle

Ben Settle

Email Specialist

Settle, LLC


Copyrighted & published by Settle, LLC.

All rights reserved.

Settle, LLC | P.O. Box 437 | Gold Beach, OR 97444

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