Wednesday, 23 January 2013

A short time ago, in a state not-so-far-away...

There was a marketer who just started learning about the blessedly

fun arts of direct response marketing/copywriting/and persuasion.

He saw this stuff work like gangbusters.

He reaped the rewards.

And, he wanted MORE of the same.


He also feels dirty and awkward. His family and friends and

co-workers (he still works at a job) criticize what he does saying

he's being shady and manipulative and spamming people, etc (you

know, all the usual idiocy you hear from people who knoweth not of

what they speaketh).

So he came to me like a padawan seeking out a master Jedi.

"I feel conflicted, Master Settle." He said.

"Much fear I sense in you," I replied.

"I don't like tricking people, it feels... wrong."

"Ah yes, your thoughts betray you..." I wisely retorted. After

which I explained to him direct marketing (done right) is not just

a bag of tricks. It's not "mind control" (a silly concept

copywriters seem especially fond of batting around). And, it's not

even remotely unethical in any way, shape or form.

It's simply an attitude change.

It's realizing people have a problem, and you have the solution.

And thus, it's YOUR job to help solve that problem -- like a Jedi

Knight protecting the galaxy -- before the shady types get to them.

Frankly, it's not just your job, it's your ethical DUTY.

I know it sounds kinda hokey.

But it's 100% true.

Feel the force flowing through you, yes? Hm?

And the best way to NOT be shady...

To NOT lie...

And to NOT be unethical...

Is to tell the truth.

ALL of the truth -- the good, the bad and the fugly.

(Yes, literally, talk up the flaws of your offer.)

Do that and a funny thing happens. No, you won't lift rocks

and space ships and robots with your mind... But, you WILL make

more sales. You WILL help more people. And, you WILL be paid more

for it.

What's that???

You still think it's a bunch of simple tricks and nonsense?

Hey Chuckles, I find your lack of faith disturbing...

After all, it works for me.

It works for my "Email Players" newsletter subscribers.

And, it can work for you, too.

Here's where to subscribe:

Ben Settle

Ben Settle

Email Specialist

Settle, LLC

Copyrighted & published by Settle, LLC.

All rights reserved.

Settle, LLC | P.O. Box 437 | Gold Beach, OR 97444

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