Thursday, 3 January 2013

Yes, it's true.

Rattling off all those "mouth watering" benefits can hurt your

chances of landing new clients (and this goes for ANY kind of

client -- coaching, consulting, freelancing, yada yada yada). I

know this goes against established goo-roo orthodoxy, but I

speaketh the truth about this.

Prove it, you say?

OK, take my early misadventures for example.

Back when I was first trying to get copywriting clients, I would

come out "swinging" with would-be clients on the phone trying to

sell my services.

I'd pour them benefits on THICK.

I'd trumpet my guarantees.

Make big claims.

And ooooooze benefits all over the place.

The result?

I'd rarely ever get the gig.

"Uhm, we'll get back to you, thanks..."


But I don't blame them at all.

Pitching those benefits was stoopid.

All they did was create MORE objections.

Then one day, I changed my tune and started asking questions,

instead of pitching benefits. Instead of saying, "My copywriting

can increase your sales by 50%!" I asked things like, "how

are you guys doing with sales, getting good response?" or

"What makes you think I'm the right guy for this job?"

And then I just let them talk.

The difference in results was night and day.

And it was just basic salesmanship.

No fancy "ninja" marketing tricks.

No psychological joint manipulations or "choke holds" necessary.

And guess what?

This is the type of information Daniel Levis is teaching tonight on

the webinar I'm hosting for him.

It's called:

"The 7 Hell-Fire Commandments

of Internet Riches -- And the Systems That

Support Them"

It's 100% free to attend.

And it should be a wild ride (to say the least).

Plus, if you register with my affiliate link at:

... and if you buy the product Daniel is offering at the end...

I'll give you two advanced MP3 trainings about how to get booked

solid with paying freelancing or coaching clients (this info works

for most any kind of service) in the next 30 days or less.

It's not as complicated as it may seem.

And these secrets work even if you're brand new.

Here's where to register:

(This is my affiliate link)

Be there or be nowhere...

Ben Settle

Ben Settle

Email Specialist

Settle, LLC

Copyrighted & published by Settle, LLC.

All rights reserved.

Settle, LLC | P.O. Box 437 | Gold Beach, OR 97444

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