Monday, 21 January 2013

Good times... good times...

Last year a website published an article I wrote about a 5 minute

change I made to an ad that turned it from a complete loser to a

long time winner that resulted in some pretty delicious commissions

over the course of a few years.

The information in the article is mucho valuable.

At least, it has been to me.

And in some ways, the most valuable article I've ever written.

But, not everyone thought so.

Specifically a goo-roo fanboy who objected:

"What a complete waste of time that was..."

Why would he say that?

Well, because like most goo-roo fanboys, he probably doesn't like

being taught the fundamentals.

They want "ninja tricks."

They only seek out shiny-new-objects.

And the fundamentals are like kryptonite to them.

It's like all they want is "advanced."

But the irony is, advanced info can only be applied successfully by

someone who has mastered (not just learned) the fundamentals. It's

like the story about a martial arts master and his new student. The

student was full of piss & vinegar and wanted to skip to the

advanced stuff.

"Show me something advanced!"

So the master thought about it.

And in the blink of an eye, threw a punch so fast... the speed of

it blew out a nearby candle!

"Show me how to punch that fast!" squeaked the student.

To which the master said...

"First, you need to learn HOW to punch."

Goo-roo fanboys never get this point.

That's why they're goo-roo fanboys.

It's also why I wrote "The Email Players Cookbook".

I didn't want new "Email Players" subscribers coming on board

looking for somewhere to plug their umbilical cords. The book comes

free with your subscription, and lays out the basics of the "Settle

system" of email marketing and "preps" you for the advanced

material in the newsletter.

The book has lots and lots of tips inside.

Even some "advanced" ones.

(Taught in context...)


You can ONLY get it by subscribing to "Email Players."

It's not for sale to the general public.

Go here to get it:

Ben Settle

Ben Settle

Email Specialist

Settle, LLC

Copyrighted & published by Settle, LLC.

All rights reserved.

Settle, LLC | P.O. Box 437 | Gold Beach, OR 97444

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