Thursday, 28 February 2013

Let's pick on that Dodge Superbowl commercial again.

As I so nicely and non-confrontationally (heh) explained a couple

weeks ago, Dodge's "So God Made A Farmer" ad was the height of

idiocy as far as being an ad that will sell lots of cars.

About as effective as Chevy's Heartbeat Of America ad.

(Which bombed, even though it won lots of "awards.")

Anyway, one of the big reasons the farmer ad was a waste of $100+k

per second (what it cost to run a Superbowl ad) is it didn't even

attempt to build a list.

No URL plugged.

No asking viewers to take any action.

No even asking people to come in for a test drive.

Since then, I've been asked:

"OK fine Ben, but how would YOU

build a list from an ad like that?"

Until a few months ago, I'd have sent 'em to a website.

But now?

I've since been edu-ma-cated on a better way.

What they SHOULD have done is take advantage of all the smart

phones out there (you know, those little gadgets everyone has in

their hands 24/7 -- checking emails, texts, websites, etc).



Dodge could have set up what's called a "keyword" (i.e. "Dodge")

and tell viewers at the end to text that keyword and their email

address to a number to get a bribe of some kind (I would have

offered a report on "how to get out of a speeding ticket", but I

know, I know... that wouldn't be very professional, would it? So

maybe a "how to save money on gasoline" report instead...) Then,

they get put on an email list, PLUS they are put on a text list,


Now, Dodge can follow up...



And, if they read "Email Players", profitably.

In a way people LIKE to read and buy from.

Pretty nifty, eh?

It's something I learned from my droog Trevor Mauch.

Trevor is the MAN with integrating text and email.

He is also a serial entrepreneur who's easily one of the savviest

marketers I've ever met (and someone you should be following in my

humble, but arrogant, opinion...)

And check this out:

Recently he let me interview him about this.

About how anyone (even if you don't have a smart phone) can use

text messaging to boost the profits of your email marketing.

It was a fascinating interview, too.

And, only "Email Players" subscribers have seen it.

Until today, that is.

Here's what I mean:

When you donate $5 (more is better, and the dogs are watching...)

to my local dog shelter, I will send you this interview along with

the following extremely valuable bonuses.

Here they are:

1.) An *advanced* email marketing training (I did with Perry

Marshall's marketing manager Jack Born recently, for Jack's Aw

Pro Tools customers)

2.) "Obvious Adams" (a "Gary Bencivenga-approved" book)

3.) "How To Explode Your Opt-Ins With A Simple 5-Minute Change To

Your Website" (An interview I did with a computer scientist about

how to rapidly build your email list with just your existing


All this uber cool value sent right to your email box.

And, for just $5.

Here's how to get your lovin':

1. Click the link below

2. Donate at least $5 (preferably more) via PayPal

3. Forward your PayPal receipt to

(Don't ask the shelter, they don't even know I'm doing this)


This offer ends tomorrow night at midnight.

After that?

Too late...

Ben Settle

Ben Settle

Email Specialist

Settle, LLC

Copyrighted & published by Settle, LLC.

All rights reserved.

Settle, LLC | P.O. Box 437 | Gold Beach, OR 97444

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