Thursday, 21 February 2013

An inquiring mind wants to know:

"Ben, does 'Email Players'

work for professional services

or is it just for info products?"

Survey says...


And, I'm gonna prove it to you.

Below's a testimonial from marketing consultant Steve Gordon. He

was an "Email Players" subscriber in 2011 and left shortly

thereafter. Then, he decided to mend his wicked ways and give my

methods another go.

Here's what he said:


I was an Email Players subscriber for a few months at the end of

2011. Tried the daily thing with absolutely no results (my fault,

not yours). Mostly my offer stunk...I was basically asking people

to reply to schedule my version of a free consultation.

Fast forward to October 19th, 2012...

Decided to give it a go again.

This time with a link to a sales page for the free consult (not a

great sales page either).

Also shortened the emails (150-250 words usually). 

Well, things have changed.

Almost instantly (within the first week), I started getting


This is from a small list (less than 2k) that had been almost

dormant before.

Long story short, I'll do more business in the first quarter than

all of last year combined. All of it driven by daily (every

weekday) emails. I get unsubscribes now, but the RIGHT kind...I've

got way more engagement with my list. I get personal responses

everyday from the emails I send, which allows me to strengthen

relationship with those people.

It's shortened what is normally a loooonnngggg sales cycle.

I'm not selling product...I'm selling professional

business owners...most of my competitors think it obnoxious and

intrusive to mail busy people so frequently.

(I hope they keep thinking that!)

Anyway, just wanted to say thank you!


BTW, Steve also sent me another email saying:

"It's to the point now that my wife asks me

...'have you sent your email today?'

She knows it's money!"

True 'dat.

So, do my methods work selling services?

The proof is in the doing:

1. Subscribe to the "Email Players" newsletter

2. Follow my instructions (straying from my system is the path to

the dark side. SPURNING me leads to frustration... frustration

leads to mistakes... mistakes lead to no sales...)

3. Be persistent & consistent

The rest takes care of itself.

Subscribe here:

Ben Settle

Ben Settle

Email Specialist

Settle, LLC

Copyrighted & published by Settle, LLC.

All rights reserved.

Settle, LLC | P.O. Box 437 | Gold Beach, OR 97444

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