The magic question is asked over and over by coaches, consultants
and freelancers...
"Ben, how can I build a thriving business
in this whacky economy when no clients
want to spend money?"
It's a great question, too.
And very timely.
Especially since, in a screwy economy like this having clients can
put food on the table if everything else goes all to hell in your
So, maybe this'll help:
Ever hear the term "pay yourself first"?
It's an extremely wise wealth-building principle to live by.
And it's also a wise CLIENT building principle, too.
Here's what I mean:
Back when I did client work, no matter how dire the deadline... no
matter how many impatient client calls snuck through... no matter
how stark raving frustrated the client would get... the first hour
of every day belonged to me.
For MY personal projects.
For MY long term financial security.
And for MY business.
Oh... how some clients would weep & gnash their teeth!
I'd drive some clients crazy because I'd refuse all phone calls and
ignore all their emails until 10 or 11 am my time (which was
afternoon their time if they were on the east coast), because I was
busy doing my stuff first every day.
Did this ever cost me business?
Ever get me "fired"?
Or ever put me in hot water?
Not once.
In fact, it got me MORE business.
It sent a strong signal that I control my business.
That they'd respect my time or find someone else.
And that while I do what I say I'll do (when I'll say I do it), I
won't be nagged into living by someone else's erratic schedule or
mid-afternoon brain farts.
In other words...
They knew I didn't "need" them.
And so, in a weird way, I was MORE valuable.
(Who really wants a pushover freelancer or consultant?)
I was building my own side income streams along the way, which I
believe every coach, consultant or freelancer should be doing now
more than ever. This further reduced any neediness and, thus, the
likelihood of getting trapped into letting someone else's crisis
become mine.
Anyway, what's the moral of the story?
Pay yourself first, my friend.
The first hour belongs to YOU.
Doing so will bring you more financial security.
Better clients.
And less headaches.
By the way...
I'm going to be talking about this a lot over the next few days,
and I'm going to do it for two reasons:
1.) It's mucho important
(Especially with this crazy economy)
2.) I'm hosting a webinar about this Thursday for Daniel Levis.
The webinar is titled:
"The 7 Hell-Fire Commandments
of Internet Riches -- And the Systems That
Support Them"
It's 100% free to attend.
And Daniel Levis ("the man" at building coaching or freelancing
businesses -- it's one of his specialities) is giving away some
cool tips (you can USE right away) for building your business.
Yes, there will be something for sale at the end.
That goes without saying.
So if you think pitches are the devil, don't bother.
In fact, don't bother being in business at all.
And before you ask...
You'll still get some great (usable!) tips either way.
(Whether you buy or not.)
If you register for the webinar with my affiliate link below
and purchase the product Daniel offers at the end, I'll send you
two extremely valuable lessons on getting clients you can normally
only get by purchasing my $297 Copywriting Grab Bag product.
One of the trainings is by Ryan Healy.
And the other by John Anghelache.
Ryan has gotten well over 60 clients in the past few years (I don't
know anyone else who even comes close to that track record...) and
John has used his unique client-acquisition skillz to nab all kinds
of major league clients (including Michel Fortin, Yanik Silver,
Gary Halbert, Joe Vitale and more...)
Both trainings are 100% hardcore "how to" info.
And can show you how to build your business lickety split.
(Whether you're a freelancer, coach, consultant, etc).
Anyway, here's my naked affiliate link:
See ya Thursday.
Ben Settle
Ben Settle
Email Specialist
Settle, LLC
Copyrighted & published by Settle, LLC.
All rights reserved.
Settle, LLC | P.O. Box 437 | Gold Beach, OR 97444
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Tuesday, 1 January 2013
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