Burping along with my coaching & freelancing tips this week...
Today's is a real doozy.
And, it's a pity most will brush today's tip off since it's not a
"bright shiny object" or anything like that.
But, it CAN get you clients.
And it can also impress the shizzit out of the ones you have now.
Plus, it can make you the ONLY person people want to hire.
Anyway, what's the big tip?
Punctuality, baby.
Sounds boring, doesn't it?
Mayhaps it does.
But if you read Dan Kennedy's magnificent "No BS Time Management"
book he makes a brilliant case for the power of punctuality.
Specifically, how people are already (even if subconsciously)
"sizing" you up by your punctuality (or lack thereof). And how
being punctual gives you a lot of power in a world full of
undisciplined wannabes who can't be bothered by such trivial
nonsense as doing WHAT they say they'll do, WHEN they say they'll
do it.
Scoff if you must.
But I've found this to be 100% true.
You stick out like a glowing thumb respecting people's time.
Especially since most people don't.
Many times, people are even purposely late or miss deadlines to
show they are in control or whatever.
Anyway, what's the bottom line?
If you want clients who love and rave about you, be punctual.
It truly separates the men from the boyz.
Also, a reminder:
Tomorrow I'm hosting a webinar for my colleague (and master at
building 6-figure coaching & freelancing businesses) Daniel Levis.
It's called:
"The 7 Hell-Fire Commandments
of Internet Riches -- And the Systems That
Support Them"
Sign up with my affiliate link at:
... and I'll give you two advanced trainings on getting
copywriting clients you can normally only get from my $297
Copywriting Grab Bag product.
The info inside these bonuses is for freelancers.
But virtually ALL of it applies to coaches & consultants, too.
Like, for example:
* How to get paid top fees for your services -- even if you're
brand spanking new.
* How to get 100% of your fees upfront. (World class copywriter
Peter Stone uses this "trick" all the time. Now you can, too.)
* How to get clients even if you have no experience.
* Why copywriting is the least important skill you need in order to
get booked solid with clients.
* How to get started if don't know a soul in business now.
* Where to find clients who are already looking for YOU.
* A secret way to use your local library to find dozens of high
paying direct response copywriting clients in a single afternoon.
* How to "position" yourself as an expert, high-value copywriter,
even if you just hung up your shingle yesterday.
* Why having a portfolio of your strongest samples can actually
HURT your chances of getting freelance assignments.
* How to collect testimonials if you haven't done any "real"
jobs yet.
* Why you must NEVER "optimize" a website selling your copywriting
* The two best (and easiest) ways to get paying clients almost
* Bob Bly's "big secret" to getting booked solid with paying
copywriting clients.
* How to instantly position yourself as an "expert copywriter"--
even if you're just starting out, with no name recognition,
contacts or track record.
* How to know what clients are willing to pay BEFORE talking to
* How to make money even from clients who don't hire you.
* And a whole lot more.
Again, here's how to get these bonuses:
1. Sign up for the webinar at:
(that's my affiliate link)
2. If you buy the product Daniel sells, I'll send you the goodies
And don't worry...
You don't have to buy anything.
Daniel is giving some powerful tips away you can use (immediately),
whether you buy anything or not.
OK, that's it for today.
Ben Settle
Ben Settle
Email Specialist
Settle, LLC
Copyrighted & published by Settle, LLC.
All rights reserved.
Settle, LLC | P.O. Box 437 | Gold Beach, OR 97444
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Wednesday, 2 January 2013
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