Monday, 3 September 2012

Everyone loves predictions.

I don't know why, exactly.

But people eat them up (which is why they make for great "fodder" for emails, sales letters and other marketing materials), and I eat them up as much as anyone!

Case in point:

Here are some predictions I made for 2011 last January.

Of course, the standard disclaimers apply:

I'm NOT a prophet, a fortune-teller or even Miss Cleo -- but it's funny how all 3 of these things ARE happening right now, and will become even more relevant by year's end (where I'll make more predictions for NEXT year, of course...)

Anyway, here they are:

Prediction #1:

Credibility will be KING.

"No duh", right?

Still, judging by the lack of ads with ANY credibility elements whatsoever... just taking the time to put SOMETHING credible in your ads should make you stand out like a fart in study hall.

Prediction #2:

The economy will get 10 times WORSE.

In fact, we're already in Great Depression 2.0.

But the government is spinning numbers like crazy.

Frankly, bad as it is now, imagine it 10 times worse. Personally, I don't see any way around it. And even if I'm wrong, it never hurts to imagine the worst case scenario and plan for it, right? Luckily, as Ken McCarthy recently told me (he's always studying this, and his insights are eerily correct...):

"If you know how to sell, you should be fine."

(Good news if you're studying marketing, copywriting, emails, etc.)

And finally...

Prediction #3:

I predict many of the people reading this email wanting to get better at writing ads and sell more products will NOT order the $20 Eugene Schwartz copywriting seminar sale (that ends TODAY at midnight eastern time).


Maybe they're suspicious?

Suspicious it can't POSSIBLY be as awesome as I say it is?

That there's nothing "unique" inside?

Or it's just another empty goo-roo product?

Hey, can't blame them.

But check out this email from customer Jeff Mitchell last year:

"I rarely ever thank someone for promoting something to me... but

this was hands down one of the biggest steals that i have seen in

the industry for a long time. The value of this $20 product is

potentially millions. Thank you for sharing it."

Not too shabby a testimonial, is it?

Whatever the case, this sale ends today.

After that, it goes from $20 back to $297.

Here's where to get it:

Yes, this IS my affiliate link.

And when you order through it, you get two more goodies:

1. A 527 ad swipe file (which includes Gene Schwartz ads)

2. "The Sales Letter Jam Session" (which teaches you the nuts and bolts of how to build an ad from beginning to end)

There's no time for dilly-dally, though.

This offer ends tonight at midnight.

Ben Settle

P.S. Here's the link again:

Ben Settle

Email Specialist

Settle, LLC

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